Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Triumphant Return and First Failures

It's been a good long while since I last posted, but I've been periodically updating my list.

My progress has been pretty slow as of late, but I've continued working on a lot of my 'continuing goals'. I did finish the "try pilates" goal. I finish the class in two weeks. It's really got me in better shape. I haven't lost a lot of weight numberwise (and I don't have a scale at school, so I haven't been weighing myself), but I can see the physical difference in my body, and I've dropped a pants size. I don't love pilates like I love yoga (yoga makes me feel good... pilates makes me look good), but I really like the results, so if I can swing it I might try and take the class again next semester.

Also, my first failure: I've decided not to apply to the Yale MA program. I think I need a year off from school or I'll burn out and I think I wanted to apply to the program for the wrong reasons (it was a good placeholder while I figured out what I really wanted). I'm not taking it too hard, and I use the word "failure" loosely. Obviously, my goals and priorities are going to change over the next few years, and the list needs to be flexible. Part of the point is to track my growth anyway.

I did, however, take the Praxis. I get my scores back in a few weeks, so hopefully, I'll be able to tick off that goal, even if I (probably) won't be needing the test score for anything.

Some more progress: I've read more books. Minus the erotica ones, they've all been for school. The titles are listed on the page for that goal (47). I've purchased more non-necessary books, but I need a count, so I'll be back to update that soon. I applied for a promotional scholarship on Zinch--it's more of a sweepstakes, so I don't know my chances, but it's worth a shot.

Upcoming: D and I are going on a cruise in March--it's all booked and everything. And I'll be getting a passport for it, so that's two goals down (I also might go parasailing while we're there, so we'll see). In February, we're going to the Fetish Fair Flea Market in Providence. We're attending the Masquerade, and I'm dressing in fetishwear. So, depending, this may or may not count as public play and that weekend we may or may not do slave training. Next year, I'm signed up for a CPR class, so I'll be registered in April, I believe.

Finals are coming up, so I can't make any promises about posting habits, but I plan to schedule an hour during the week during which I can blog.