Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Freedom Trail! (Finally)

So, here's my much delayed update (with pictures!). On the 5th (nearly a week and a half ago) D and I decided to walk the freedom trail. It's about 3 miles long (depending on your deviations) and takes you all over Boston, past various historic sites related to the Revolutionary War. It starts in the Boston Commons, takes you through the heart of the city, through the North End (Boston's version of little Italy), to the Navy yard and up to Bunker Hill. We walked almost the whole thing before heading off to Cambridge so I could pick up a good study guide for the Praxis, look at a corset for my Halloween costume (the Silk Spectre from Watchmen), and get some crepes for dinner (D's suggestion, and a good one too).

Anyway, on to the fun stuff:
That's the state house, right at the start of the trail, coming out of the Commons.

Those are D's feet on the trail. Proof!
My feet on the trail, plus the arm with the freckles that look like the big dipper. Further Proof!
Paul Revere's grave. People had put pennies all over it, though I'm not entirely sure why. I'm sure there's some significance to it. Luck?

It doesn't look like blogger will let me put more than 4 pictures in a post (shame). I had a couple more of the Old North Church Yard, and the Bunker Hill monument, which we climbed. I like history, but the Revolutionary War era really isn't my favorite, so we skipped over some of the free "museum-ish" things along the trail. I really enjoyed getting to see parts of Boston I'd never seen before. I stumbled across a ton of cute areas I never even new existed--the farmer's market in the North End, the Shooting Fountain, the Old North Church Yard (gorgeous), that Bunker Hill can be reached on foot. Really glad I put this on the list, and got the opportunity to finish it before I graduated.

Also! I have followers! Hi! Glad you find me interesting enough to read.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another Idea.

Try X number of things I don't like (x could be one a year, 10 for the challenge or 101 if I feel up to it).

I got this idea from my computer science professor today: He says he tries to do at least one thing he doesn't like each year. I forget his answer, though he said for his wife, it's olives. I thought that this would be a wonderful idea for a unique task in keeping with the spirit of mission101. Things I don't like can include foods, television shows, writers, anything really so long as I have decided I don't like it based on little experience. I wouldn't have to change my mind about these things, necessarily, but by coming at them with a decidedly open mind perhaps I can reevaluate some of my own prejudices and broaden my horizons.

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You:
  • An entry about walking the Freedom Trail in Boston
  • An entry about swimming in the Charles
  • Progress on reading a book a week, pilates, learning to cook, Applying to Grad school, and taking the Praxis.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Month's Progress

Since August just finished, I figured it would be worthwhile to do a progress report to see how things are going so far.

Completed: 5
11. Go to a strip club <Read About It>
15. Try out for Jeopardy <Read About It>
18. Take the GRE and get a score with which I am satisfied <Read About It>
35. Get high <Read About It>
51. Make D orgasm on my own <Read About It>

In Progress: 13
14. Start a blog for this project and include at least one entry a week (13/143)
25. Apply to the Yale MA program
30. Store $1 a day (50/1001)
33. Visit 20 more states (4/20)
42. Donate 1 million grains of rice on freerice.com (30,000/1,000,000)
46. Put poetry in 101 different bathroom stalls (1/101)
47. Read at least 1 book a week (3/143)
48. Wear no make-up in public on 10 separate occasions (1/10)
60. Finish a coloring book
66. Tell D I love him everyday (33/1001)
70. Buy no more than 15 non-necessary books (1/15)
74. Try pilates

97. Take as many pictures of completed tasks as possible.

(You can read about these when you click on the tags)

Up Next:
25. Apply to the Yale MA program-- I started the official application online and am working on getting all my stuff together.
50. Block off my time at school and stick to it-- I'm waiting this one out-- I haven't had all my classes yet, so I don't have a whole lot of work to do. I figure I'll start next week as a trial.
74. Try Pilates-- I started my class today--so far, so good. D and I talked about it and decided that "trying it" requires 3-5 classes. Since it is a credit course, I'll be doing it al semester, ubless something goes horribly awry.