Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another Idea.

Try X number of things I don't like (x could be one a year, 10 for the challenge or 101 if I feel up to it).

I got this idea from my computer science professor today: He says he tries to do at least one thing he doesn't like each year. I forget his answer, though he said for his wife, it's olives. I thought that this would be a wonderful idea for a unique task in keeping with the spirit of mission101. Things I don't like can include foods, television shows, writers, anything really so long as I have decided I don't like it based on little experience. I wouldn't have to change my mind about these things, necessarily, but by coming at them with a decidedly open mind perhaps I can reevaluate some of my own prejudices and broaden my horizons.

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You:
  • An entry about walking the Freedom Trail in Boston
  • An entry about swimming in the Charles
  • Progress on reading a book a week, pilates, learning to cook, Applying to Grad school, and taking the Praxis.

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