Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Month's Progress

Since August just finished, I figured it would be worthwhile to do a progress report to see how things are going so far.

Completed: 5
11. Go to a strip club <Read About It>
15. Try out for Jeopardy <Read About It>
18. Take the GRE and get a score with which I am satisfied <Read About It>
35. Get high <Read About It>
51. Make D orgasm on my own <Read About It>

In Progress: 13
14. Start a blog for this project and include at least one entry a week (13/143)
25. Apply to the Yale MA program
30. Store $1 a day (50/1001)
33. Visit 20 more states (4/20)
42. Donate 1 million grains of rice on (30,000/1,000,000)
46. Put poetry in 101 different bathroom stalls (1/101)
47. Read at least 1 book a week (3/143)
48. Wear no make-up in public on 10 separate occasions (1/10)
60. Finish a coloring book
66. Tell D I love him everyday (33/1001)
70. Buy no more than 15 non-necessary books (1/15)
74. Try pilates

97. Take as many pictures of completed tasks as possible.

(You can read about these when you click on the tags)

Up Next:
25. Apply to the Yale MA program-- I started the official application online and am working on getting all my stuff together.
50. Block off my time at school and stick to it-- I'm waiting this one out-- I haven't had all my classes yet, so I don't have a whole lot of work to do. I figure I'll start next week as a trial.
74. Try Pilates-- I started my class today--so far, so good. D and I talked about it and decided that "trying it" requires 3-5 classes. Since it is a credit course, I'll be doing it al semester, ubless something goes horribly awry.

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