Thursday, August 27, 2009

Small Progress.

So, over the course of my road trip I worked on a couple of my other goals:

Number 48--Wear no make-up in public. I did this on Sunday, the day after we got super high. I feel like it was almost a cop-out given the circumstances, but we did go out to eat and I did see people other than D so I decided to count it. A bigger step will be going without make-up to class one day (or days). I'd like to wait til my skin is particularly clear (which admittedly, sort of defeats the purpose of this task). Maybe I'll slowly wean myself off.

Also, I finished another book. Lost Tribe: Jewish Fiction from the Edge ed. by
Paul Zakrzewski. It was a collection of short stories. I'm particularly interested in Jewish fiction (particularly in magical realism in Jewish fiction), so this collection of contemporary stories was great (post-Portnoy, they called it) to see where dialogue is headed. I made a few new discoveries--I love Myla Goldberg (she's not just an awesome Decemberists song), and even though I loved Everything is Illuminated, I'm willing to accept the Jonathan Safran Foer is kind of a douche. Lots of new stuff to look into, as well as some food for thought when it comes to possible graduate study.

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