Saturday, August 8, 2009

Idea for the next list

Complete the Irongirl Triathalon.

I got this idea because some woman at the gym the other day asked me if I was training for it after I finished swimming the other day. If were to do this, I wouldn't be competing seriously, just looking to finish it. Apparently, it's about a 3.4 mile run, about a .5 mile swim (which I can definitely do) in open water (which I haven't tried, but I'm not worried. I can swim a mile in the pool no problem), and about 17.5 miles biking. The run might be the hardest because I hate running, though 3 and a half miles isn't that much. I can do about 15 miles biking, but I've never done it without breaks. Anyhow, something to strive for.

Here's more info about Irongirl.

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