Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New States! Now with photographic evidence.

So during this road trip, D took me to 4 new states: Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan. Two states were on the way (Illinois and Wisconsin) and two D took me to just because they were close and he wanted to help me knock off as many as possible.

First, we hit Illinois on Friday night--drove right through Chicago, which was beautiful at night. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a picture of the skyline because my camera doesn't take good pictures at night. We spent the night in a Super 8 in Illinois too, so I actually set foot in the state too. Picture below. It's not so great, but that the Welcome to Illinois sign.
Next up was Wisconsin. We got there Saturday before noon. After driving from 9am to 11pm (Central time too, so really 12) on Friday, it was a quick jaunt to Tomah, our final destination. Here's some photographic evidence from Wisconsin.
This is my failed attempt at taking a picture of the Welcome to Wisconsin. In any direction out of Wisconsin we went, this was the only sign--nothing on the side of the road, just Welcome to Wisconsin carved in wood planks. More proof:
This one's from the way back from Wisconsin after our quick trip to Minnesota.

We went to Minnesota on Tuesday--after we went to LaCrosse, we just hopped across the Mississippi River and into Minnesota. I tried to get the Welcome to Minnesota sign, but all I could get was the -ota.

And finally, here's Michigan. We got there on Saturday morning on the trip back. D took the Indiana toll road specifically so we could just hop across the boarder (the toll road runs right next to the Michigan state line. It was right by Notre Dame.

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