Monday, August 24, 2009

Illegal Doings

So I've returned from my trek to the wilderness (read: Wisconsin), and in the process I've accomplished 2 more goals, started several more, and made progress on others. And I have pictures! I'll be updating over the next couple of days about the goals I completed and the ones I've just started.

First things first. I got high! And it was wonderful. After staying the night at a Super 8 in Illinois, we got in to Tomah, Wisconsin before noon. D's friend, who we were staying with for the first few days, was getting ready for the party later that night (he turned 22 on Wednesday, but had a big party Saturday night). D had asked him to procure some pot for us before we came out, and he had, so D and I went off on our merry way to buy brownie making supplies.

We decided to make brownies because I didn't want to smoke for a couple of reasons--first, I heard that sometimes you don't get high the first time if you smoke (I think because most people don't really know how to inhale it), and I didn't want to risk wasting the pot and missing my chance to complete this goal. Also, I was worried I wouldn't like smoking--I don't even smoke cigarettes, so I figured I'd probably cough and choke, and I wanted this experience to be as pleasant as possible. Plus, I already love brownies.

The brownies were done by about 4, and they reeked of pot. Not a bad smell really, just pine-y, but honestly, thinking about it makes me feel kind of ill. We started eating them pretty quickly but it took a while for them to kick in, so we kept eating and eating (Not so great an idea, it turns out). By 5, we were through almost the whole pan, and we were both super high. D was so high that he couldn't tell I was high, so he kept insisting I eat more brownies, even though I didn't want more (turns out I lose the ability to say no when high).

Everything was hilarious. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt, and smiled so hard my face hurt. The feeling of uncontrollable laughter is a strange one. I could literally feel each giggle bubbling up out of me, from my diaphragm and though I could feel it coming, I couldn't stop it. D smoked up a bit (by this time the party was underway, and while we were the only ones eating brownies, a lot of other people were smoking) and chugged around the house blowing smoking out, pretending he was a train (hilarious). Later, he thought his friend (whom he hadn't seen in about three years) had grown about a foot and a half taller. I just laughed and laughed, and thought D was a giant at one point (to be fair, I was lying on the floor and he was standing over me).

I liked being high much better than drinking--I got all the happy euphoric feeling of being buzzed, but without that fuzzy-headed moving-through-jello feeling. By 8 I was just vegetating on a big comfy chair in the kitchen. I was still conscious and aware of what was going on around me (though my eyes were closed and I was sort of incorporating everything going on outside into the weird psychedelic trip going on in my head), but I was out of it. My entire body felt warm and the top half of me felt like it was lightly vibrating. I think I described it to D as a million little orgasms all over my body. So yeah, a pretty good feeling over all. I was in bed probably by 9. D joined me shortly thereafter. Apparently, people were banging on the door to our room trying to get us up without any luck.

We slept late the next day, and went to get Mexican food. That was all we did. D and I were both out of it. I was worthless the entire day. I think I took a nap, and maybe read a little bit. The Mexican sure tasted good though.

Overall, I'd rate getting high as a great experience. I don't think I want to try again any time soon, or do it with any regularity though because I don't want to ruin it with a bad trip and it's hard to block off two days where I can be totally worthless. More to come later.

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