Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Came, I Saw, I Kicked Ass.

So, I took the GRE today and I did better than my wildest dreams--740 on both Verbal and Math. Which, if you'll note, was higher (much higher for math) than my "ok, I'll stop here" scores. On D's advice, I'm not marking this goal as complete yet because I still have to get my essay scores back, and that won't be for another couple of weeks. I don't think I did poorly on those either, and if I didn't do as well as I wanted I believe I can retake those separately. So, Woohoo!

As a reward for myself afterward (which I would have done regardless of my score), I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up Anais Nin's Delta of Venus, so now I've officially bought my first non-necessary book, so that goal will go in the "in progress list" (though really, it should have been already because of the nature of the goal), and once I read that (hopefully, during my upcoming vacation), I'll be able to tick off one of the ten pieces of "classic erotica".

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