Monday, August 24, 2009

Take it off!

Wednesday we went to not one, but two strip clubs. Ostensibly, we were going for D's friend's birthday, but it meant I got to tick off another goal. I wanted to go, but as it got closer and closer to day zero, I started to get worried--that the vibe would be bad, that D would go off with his friends and strippers and I'd be left alone surrounded by women who are much prettier than I am, that it would be full of creepy men, that I'd spend the entire night comparing myself to the girls on stage--basically that I'd be miserable. Of course, all my worrying was for naught. I had a great time, and strippers love me, apparently.

We started off bar hopping, trying to get D's friend free drinks for his birthday (no luck), then we headed to Wisconsin Dolls, in the Wisconsin Dells. D's friend wanted to go there (rather than the other strip club in town) even though it was smaller, because it was cheaper over all and you were actually allowed to touch the dancers. Unfortunately for the three guys (D, and D's two friends B and R), but fortunately for me, it was male review night meaning only male strippers up on the stage. I don't usually like the 'pretty' 'cut' guys, but it was interesting for the novelty. There were still female strippers milling about, and I got the impression that they'd have girls up on stage later in the evening, but the guys weren't really interested in hanging around for it, though.

We did stick around for lap dances all around though. D got one for both of us, and the girl said she'd do it as long we both sat in one chair. I didn't catch her name, but she was really cute--tiny, tan, dirty blonde hair, and an accent. Briefly, I thought she reminded me of my sister, but I quickly pushed that thought out of my head. I sat on D's lap, and she ground herself on my leg and his, rubbed her breasts up against mine--D was getting a kick out of it. At one point he even pulled my breasts out. She rubbed her tits in his face and let him suck on her nipples. I was surprisingly not jealous--honestly, it was pretty hot. I guess my inner voyeur took over. Certainly this bodes well for a lot of the things we've talked about exploring re: including others (including the threesome). The girl told us we were a crazy couple and seemed to have a good time herself. Over all, a good experience.

Because the guys were still on stage and everyone had gotten a lap dance, we decided to high-tail it out of there to another, larger strip club, Chubby's. It was pretty dead when we got there, but it was still early on a Wednesday. the place filled up later. This club was huge--one big stage but with three poles. Lots of girls--most of whom seemed really friendly and into it. Some of the stuff those dancers did on the poles was absolutely wild--flipping, stripping, etc all while spinning around so fast you couldn't even see them. We stuck close to the stage the entire night, long enough to see the 'rotation' of girls come through twice almost. I had a couple of favorites--most of the girls seemed really enthusiastic because I was a girl (I wasn't the only one there with my boyfriend, and from what I gathered they got similar treatment)--I had my nipples licked a couple of times and got lots of free boobs shoved in my face, and just special treatment in general for no special cost. D got some, too, I think because he'd brought a girl with him. A stripper bit his nipple! Of course, when he told me I thought he was just being a baby (in my experience guys tend to have a low pain tolerance for stuff like that, and D doesn't like anything near his nipples), but when we got home nearly three hours later he had teeth marks and a nice bruise forming.

I felt a little hinky being there--like I was exploiting the dancers by virtue of patronising the place. Most of them seemed to be having a good time--a few were obviously faking it, and one was clearly not having a good time. She only went on stage once, and sort of stomped around each pole for a song angrily and left quickly. I saw her talking to the bouncer when we came in, so I think she probably just wanted to go home, but they made her get up there once. I know it's a job, and the dancers who did look like they were enjoying themselves probably know that you get more money when you seem happy about what you're doing, but some of them seemed like they were genuinely enjoying themselves. I've considered dabbling in sex work before (including exotic dancing), and I'd like to think it would be something I'd find fun and empowering, though I'm sure it wouldn't be a good time every night.

I had an awesome time--just as good a time as any of the guys, and maybe better, since the dancers paid a lot of attention to me. They actually wanted to leave before I did, but theyd spent all their money and I still had a good bit left. Would definitely go again.


  1. I think it varies from club to club and state to state (also, how much the dancer likes you, and whether or not they're willing to bend the rules). In the first club, we were allowed to touch, but not the second. We were in Wisconsin at the time.

  2. Ah, I see. Thank you! And sorry for my ignorance :)

  3. No problem, and no need to apologize.
