Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bathroom Graffiti Take One.

This is the first piece of bathroom graffiti I've written in several years now. i used to do it quite a bit in high school. This was actually one of my favorite poems to use back then--I liked it, or course, but mostly it was short and easy to remember (plus I love Margaret Atwood).

This piece was put up in the Ladies' Room of a Macy's in a mall in Onalaska Wisconsin. I think some woman noticed. I went into a stall that clearly wasn't working (toilet hadn't and wouldn't flush) and the other two filled up while I was in there writing. As I was coming out, another woman came in. I went and sat outside to wait for D and the lady came out shortly thereafter and gave me a dirty look. I don't know if it was the unflushed toilet or the graffiti. Oh well.

A couple of things I'm debating as I continue this task. I definitely want to take a picture of each piece, but since this is largely a crime of opportunity, it might be difficult to ensure that I always have a camera on me. I'm also considering compiling a book of appropriate poems to put up there. It's hard to find something short enough and keep a store of them all in my head. So maybe it would be worth it to put some together in a marble notebook that I can keep on me. Also, I think pieces of poems are acceptable, like a stanza or so, so long as it has meaning in and of itself and doesn't lose much without the context of the poem.

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