Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Freedom Trail! (Finally)

So, here's my much delayed update (with pictures!). On the 5th (nearly a week and a half ago) D and I decided to walk the freedom trail. It's about 3 miles long (depending on your deviations) and takes you all over Boston, past various historic sites related to the Revolutionary War. It starts in the Boston Commons, takes you through the heart of the city, through the North End (Boston's version of little Italy), to the Navy yard and up to Bunker Hill. We walked almost the whole thing before heading off to Cambridge so I could pick up a good study guide for the Praxis, look at a corset for my Halloween costume (the Silk Spectre from Watchmen), and get some crepes for dinner (D's suggestion, and a good one too).

Anyway, on to the fun stuff:
That's the state house, right at the start of the trail, coming out of the Commons.

Those are D's feet on the trail. Proof!
My feet on the trail, plus the arm with the freckles that look like the big dipper. Further Proof!
Paul Revere's grave. People had put pennies all over it, though I'm not entirely sure why. I'm sure there's some significance to it. Luck?

It doesn't look like blogger will let me put more than 4 pictures in a post (shame). I had a couple more of the Old North Church Yard, and the Bunker Hill monument, which we climbed. I like history, but the Revolutionary War era really isn't my favorite, so we skipped over some of the free "museum-ish" things along the trail. I really enjoyed getting to see parts of Boston I'd never seen before. I stumbled across a ton of cute areas I never even new existed--the farmer's market in the North End, the Shooting Fountain, the Old North Church Yard (gorgeous), that Bunker Hill can be reached on foot. Really glad I put this on the list, and got the opportunity to finish it before I graduated.

Also! I have followers! Hi! Glad you find me interesting enough to read.

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