Thursday, August 27, 2009

Small Progress.

So, over the course of my road trip I worked on a couple of my other goals:

Number 48--Wear no make-up in public. I did this on Sunday, the day after we got super high. I feel like it was almost a cop-out given the circumstances, but we did go out to eat and I did see people other than D so I decided to count it. A bigger step will be going without make-up to class one day (or days). I'd like to wait til my skin is particularly clear (which admittedly, sort of defeats the purpose of this task). Maybe I'll slowly wean myself off.

Also, I finished another book. Lost Tribe: Jewish Fiction from the Edge ed. by
Paul Zakrzewski. It was a collection of short stories. I'm particularly interested in Jewish fiction (particularly in magical realism in Jewish fiction), so this collection of contemporary stories was great (post-Portnoy, they called it) to see where dialogue is headed. I made a few new discoveries--I love Myla Goldberg (she's not just an awesome Decemberists song), and even though I loved Everything is Illuminated, I'm willing to accept the Jonathan Safran Foer is kind of a douche. Lots of new stuff to look into, as well as some food for thought when it comes to possible graduate study.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Suck it, Trebek

So, last night I tried out for jeopardy--just the online quiz for the College Edition--and since I have no control over whether my 'audition' goes any further than this, I'm considering this task complete (woohoo!). It was a fifty question test with 15 seconds to answer each question--the questions were presented just like on the show, but you didn't have to answer in the form of a question. Honestly, I have no idea how well I did. I knew a bunch of them, but there were also a good many where the answer was on the tip of my tongue, and quite a few where I just had no freaking idea and either guessed or passed. They can contact me anytime between now and a year from now, so we shall see.

Bathroom Graffiti Take One.

This is the first piece of bathroom graffiti I've written in several years now. i used to do it quite a bit in high school. This was actually one of my favorite poems to use back then--I liked it, or course, but mostly it was short and easy to remember (plus I love Margaret Atwood).

This piece was put up in the Ladies' Room of a Macy's in a mall in Onalaska Wisconsin. I think some woman noticed. I went into a stall that clearly wasn't working (toilet hadn't and wouldn't flush) and the other two filled up while I was in there writing. As I was coming out, another woman came in. I went and sat outside to wait for D and the lady came out shortly thereafter and gave me a dirty look. I don't know if it was the unflushed toilet or the graffiti. Oh well.

A couple of things I'm debating as I continue this task. I definitely want to take a picture of each piece, but since this is largely a crime of opportunity, it might be difficult to ensure that I always have a camera on me. I'm also considering compiling a book of appropriate poems to put up there. It's hard to find something short enough and keep a store of them all in my head. So maybe it would be worth it to put some together in a marble notebook that I can keep on me. Also, I think pieces of poems are acceptable, like a stanza or so, so long as it has meaning in and of itself and doesn't lose much without the context of the poem.

New States! Now with photographic evidence.

So during this road trip, D took me to 4 new states: Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan. Two states were on the way (Illinois and Wisconsin) and two D took me to just because they were close and he wanted to help me knock off as many as possible.

First, we hit Illinois on Friday night--drove right through Chicago, which was beautiful at night. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a picture of the skyline because my camera doesn't take good pictures at night. We spent the night in a Super 8 in Illinois too, so I actually set foot in the state too. Picture below. It's not so great, but that the Welcome to Illinois sign.
Next up was Wisconsin. We got there Saturday before noon. After driving from 9am to 11pm (Central time too, so really 12) on Friday, it was a quick jaunt to Tomah, our final destination. Here's some photographic evidence from Wisconsin.
This is my failed attempt at taking a picture of the Welcome to Wisconsin. In any direction out of Wisconsin we went, this was the only sign--nothing on the side of the road, just Welcome to Wisconsin carved in wood planks. More proof:
This one's from the way back from Wisconsin after our quick trip to Minnesota.

We went to Minnesota on Tuesday--after we went to LaCrosse, we just hopped across the Mississippi River and into Minnesota. I tried to get the Welcome to Minnesota sign, but all I could get was the -ota.

And finally, here's Michigan. We got there on Saturday morning on the trip back. D took the Indiana toll road specifically so we could just hop across the boarder (the toll road runs right next to the Michigan state line. It was right by Notre Dame.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Take it off!

Wednesday we went to not one, but two strip clubs. Ostensibly, we were going for D's friend's birthday, but it meant I got to tick off another goal. I wanted to go, but as it got closer and closer to day zero, I started to get worried--that the vibe would be bad, that D would go off with his friends and strippers and I'd be left alone surrounded by women who are much prettier than I am, that it would be full of creepy men, that I'd spend the entire night comparing myself to the girls on stage--basically that I'd be miserable. Of course, all my worrying was for naught. I had a great time, and strippers love me, apparently.

We started off bar hopping, trying to get D's friend free drinks for his birthday (no luck), then we headed to Wisconsin Dolls, in the Wisconsin Dells. D's friend wanted to go there (rather than the other strip club in town) even though it was smaller, because it was cheaper over all and you were actually allowed to touch the dancers. Unfortunately for the three guys (D, and D's two friends B and R), but fortunately for me, it was male review night meaning only male strippers up on the stage. I don't usually like the 'pretty' 'cut' guys, but it was interesting for the novelty. There were still female strippers milling about, and I got the impression that they'd have girls up on stage later in the evening, but the guys weren't really interested in hanging around for it, though.

We did stick around for lap dances all around though. D got one for both of us, and the girl said she'd do it as long we both sat in one chair. I didn't catch her name, but she was really cute--tiny, tan, dirty blonde hair, and an accent. Briefly, I thought she reminded me of my sister, but I quickly pushed that thought out of my head. I sat on D's lap, and she ground herself on my leg and his, rubbed her breasts up against mine--D was getting a kick out of it. At one point he even pulled my breasts out. She rubbed her tits in his face and let him suck on her nipples. I was surprisingly not jealous--honestly, it was pretty hot. I guess my inner voyeur took over. Certainly this bodes well for a lot of the things we've talked about exploring re: including others (including the threesome). The girl told us we were a crazy couple and seemed to have a good time herself. Over all, a good experience.

Because the guys were still on stage and everyone had gotten a lap dance, we decided to high-tail it out of there to another, larger strip club, Chubby's. It was pretty dead when we got there, but it was still early on a Wednesday. the place filled up later. This club was huge--one big stage but with three poles. Lots of girls--most of whom seemed really friendly and into it. Some of the stuff those dancers did on the poles was absolutely wild--flipping, stripping, etc all while spinning around so fast you couldn't even see them. We stuck close to the stage the entire night, long enough to see the 'rotation' of girls come through twice almost. I had a couple of favorites--most of the girls seemed really enthusiastic because I was a girl (I wasn't the only one there with my boyfriend, and from what I gathered they got similar treatment)--I had my nipples licked a couple of times and got lots of free boobs shoved in my face, and just special treatment in general for no special cost. D got some, too, I think because he'd brought a girl with him. A stripper bit his nipple! Of course, when he told me I thought he was just being a baby (in my experience guys tend to have a low pain tolerance for stuff like that, and D doesn't like anything near his nipples), but when we got home nearly three hours later he had teeth marks and a nice bruise forming.

I felt a little hinky being there--like I was exploiting the dancers by virtue of patronising the place. Most of them seemed to be having a good time--a few were obviously faking it, and one was clearly not having a good time. She only went on stage once, and sort of stomped around each pole for a song angrily and left quickly. I saw her talking to the bouncer when we came in, so I think she probably just wanted to go home, but they made her get up there once. I know it's a job, and the dancers who did look like they were enjoying themselves probably know that you get more money when you seem happy about what you're doing, but some of them seemed like they were genuinely enjoying themselves. I've considered dabbling in sex work before (including exotic dancing), and I'd like to think it would be something I'd find fun and empowering, though I'm sure it wouldn't be a good time every night.

I had an awesome time--just as good a time as any of the guys, and maybe better, since the dancers paid a lot of attention to me. They actually wanted to leave before I did, but theyd spent all their money and I still had a good bit left. Would definitely go again.

Illegal Doings

So I've returned from my trek to the wilderness (read: Wisconsin), and in the process I've accomplished 2 more goals, started several more, and made progress on others. And I have pictures! I'll be updating over the next couple of days about the goals I completed and the ones I've just started.

First things first. I got high! And it was wonderful. After staying the night at a Super 8 in Illinois, we got in to Tomah, Wisconsin before noon. D's friend, who we were staying with for the first few days, was getting ready for the party later that night (he turned 22 on Wednesday, but had a big party Saturday night). D had asked him to procure some pot for us before we came out, and he had, so D and I went off on our merry way to buy brownie making supplies.

We decided to make brownies because I didn't want to smoke for a couple of reasons--first, I heard that sometimes you don't get high the first time if you smoke (I think because most people don't really know how to inhale it), and I didn't want to risk wasting the pot and missing my chance to complete this goal. Also, I was worried I wouldn't like smoking--I don't even smoke cigarettes, so I figured I'd probably cough and choke, and I wanted this experience to be as pleasant as possible. Plus, I already love brownies.

The brownies were done by about 4, and they reeked of pot. Not a bad smell really, just pine-y, but honestly, thinking about it makes me feel kind of ill. We started eating them pretty quickly but it took a while for them to kick in, so we kept eating and eating (Not so great an idea, it turns out). By 5, we were through almost the whole pan, and we were both super high. D was so high that he couldn't tell I was high, so he kept insisting I eat more brownies, even though I didn't want more (turns out I lose the ability to say no when high).

Everything was hilarious. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt, and smiled so hard my face hurt. The feeling of uncontrollable laughter is a strange one. I could literally feel each giggle bubbling up out of me, from my diaphragm and though I could feel it coming, I couldn't stop it. D smoked up a bit (by this time the party was underway, and while we were the only ones eating brownies, a lot of other people were smoking) and chugged around the house blowing smoking out, pretending he was a train (hilarious). Later, he thought his friend (whom he hadn't seen in about three years) had grown about a foot and a half taller. I just laughed and laughed, and thought D was a giant at one point (to be fair, I was lying on the floor and he was standing over me).

I liked being high much better than drinking--I got all the happy euphoric feeling of being buzzed, but without that fuzzy-headed moving-through-jello feeling. By 8 I was just vegetating on a big comfy chair in the kitchen. I was still conscious and aware of what was going on around me (though my eyes were closed and I was sort of incorporating everything going on outside into the weird psychedelic trip going on in my head), but I was out of it. My entire body felt warm and the top half of me felt like it was lightly vibrating. I think I described it to D as a million little orgasms all over my body. So yeah, a pretty good feeling over all. I was in bed probably by 9. D joined me shortly thereafter. Apparently, people were banging on the door to our room trying to get us up without any luck.

We slept late the next day, and went to get Mexican food. That was all we did. D and I were both out of it. I was worthless the entire day. I think I took a nap, and maybe read a little bit. The Mexican sure tasted good though.

Overall, I'd rate getting high as a great experience. I don't think I want to try again any time soon, or do it with any regularity though because I don't want to ruin it with a bad trip and it's hard to block off two days where I can be totally worthless. More to come later.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Came, I Saw, I Kicked Ass.

So, I took the GRE today and I did better than my wildest dreams--740 on both Verbal and Math. Which, if you'll note, was higher (much higher for math) than my "ok, I'll stop here" scores. On D's advice, I'm not marking this goal as complete yet because I still have to get my essay scores back, and that won't be for another couple of weeks. I don't think I did poorly on those either, and if I didn't do as well as I wanted I believe I can retake those separately. So, Woohoo!

As a reward for myself afterward (which I would have done regardless of my score), I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up Anais Nin's Delta of Venus, so now I've officially bought my first non-necessary book, so that goal will go in the "in progress list" (though really, it should have been already because of the nature of the goal), and once I read that (hopefully, during my upcoming vacation), I'll be able to tick off one of the ten pieces of "classic erotica".

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Tomorrow is the GRE. 12:30. I've finally decided what I consider to be acceptable scores (meaning, once I get these scores, I can stop taking the GRE): I want to crack 700 in verbal--I'm about at this level right now. And I want to crack 600 in math. I should be able to do this. I'm going over a bit more tonight and writing down some formulas. Writing, I'm not as concerned about, but I'm shooting for a 5 (you have to wait for your score for this part).

Send good math vibes my way.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Good News, Everyone.

Two new goals definitively begun (as opposed to the previous post, where I'm just anticipating beginning them). Jeopardy Try-Outs for the College Edition are on the 25th. I registered to take the online test today, which is the first round of tryouts, followed by another test (I think), an interview and a dry-run. Goal 15 is officially underway.

Also, I started a coloring book. It's My Little Pony (don't laugh...ok laugh), and I think D got it for me (more likely I saw it while we were out somewhere and he got it for me when I got all excited). He bought me an entire My Little Pony army for christmas (there are 7. we're preparing to march on France). I've had it sitting around for a bit, but its also the only one I hadn't already started.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Idea for the next list

Complete the Irongirl Triathalon.

I got this idea because some woman at the gym the other day asked me if I was training for it after I finished swimming the other day. If were to do this, I wouldn't be competing seriously, just looking to finish it. Apparently, it's about a 3.4 mile run, about a .5 mile swim (which I can definitely do) in open water (which I haven't tried, but I'm not worried. I can swim a mile in the pool no problem), and about 17.5 miles biking. The run might be the hardest because I hate running, though 3 and a half miles isn't that much. I can do about 15 miles biking, but I've never done it without breaks. Anyhow, something to strive for.

Here's more info about Irongirl.

Upcoming Goals

So, D and I are headed off on our week-long roadtrip to Wisconsin in exactly one week. In the next week (before the trip) and over the course of the trip itself, I'm looking forward to starting a bunch of goals, and completing a few as well.

Next Wednesday, I take the GRE for the first time, hopefully completing goal 18. I'd really like do well the first go 'round, because a) the GRE is flippin' expensive and b) I'd really rather not study any more than I already have. Also, I really don't have much time to retake the test before I submit the scores to the grad program. Wish me luck! I'm probably going to be a hermit between now and Wednesday, with the exception of a therapy appointment, and a possible going away dinner with some friends, otherwise it's all library all the time.

On our road trip, I'll definitely be visiting at least 3 new states (with the possibility of one or two more, depending on our route): Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota for sure. Possibily Michigan, too. So I'll get to start on goal 33 and fill in my map some more. There would be more states, but thanks to some relatives in Louisville, I've been to Indiana (yay Holiday World!) and Ohio (yay layover!). I should also be able to take some pictures of the signs and of the other goals on the list. Some will be posted (the ones that are least likely to prevent me from getting a job), others will be kept only for posterity, so goal 97 will be on it's way.

On the way there, I'm hoping to plaster some poetry in public restroom stall walls across the country (goal 46). I've put a sharpie and my marble poetry notebooks on my list of shit I need to bring, and I'll try and sneak a camera in with me a few times so I can document my vandalism. Also, I'm hoping to procure a copy of the Sunday Times so D and I can attempt the crossword during the drive. He tells me we should be able to find the Times when we get out there (maybe at a book store if nothing else). I figure it'll be a good way to pass the time (goal 29).

There has been much debauchery planned for when we get down there. I'm not really looking forward to a bunch of keggers (especially with a bunch of people I don't know), but I figure I'll muddle through. Lord knows I've dragged D into more than enough clothing/book/girly stores that he's more than paid his due. So far, definitely on the roster: purchase of a keg, a toga party (yes, really), a trip to the strip club for one of the guys' birthdays (I'm hoping to get a lap dance out of it, and I can cross goal 11 off my list), and his friend is growing weed for us. Provided I can actually get high the first time (I've been told whether or not this happens depends on how much I smoke and the quality of the 'product'), I'll be able to check off goal 35.

I'm sure I'll make one more post before I leave, probably after the GRE on Wednesday. I won't be able to update everything else until I get back the next Saturday (and probably not until the next day anyhow), but I'll bring a notebook along with me so I can keep track of everything.

Until then--adios!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Technicalities, and another book

So, I finished another book for goal 47. Another book that I had started before the 1st (and hence, before my challenge). 2666 by Roberto Bolaño. Really, this is one book broken down into 5 thematic parts (also called books, so this might get a bit confusing), but then contained in 3 physical books. In the first physical book (total of 350 pages), are housed the first 3 thematic books--The Part About the Critics, The Part about Amalfitano, and The Part About Fate. This is the book I just finished, so I'm counting it as one, and then I'll count the other two physical books (housing parts 4 and 5, respectively) as one each as well. I don't think this is cheating, but obviously I wouldn't count War and Peace as more than one book (or Infinite Jest, which is actually on my to read list, for that matter).

So to the story: Ostensibly, 2666 centers around a series of murders that take place in Santa Teresa, a small town just across the Mexican boarder. I say "Ostensibly" because, so far, these murders (numbering in the hundreds, all of young women) seem to only float in the background, until the very end of the 3rd part (where some of the characters go to interview a man who has been arrested for the murders. The narrative structure disintegrates and the writing takes on a phantasmagoric quality).

So far, the first three parts seem to link up only in the most tenuous of ways, but the plot is interesting enough, and the writing engaging enough for me to slog on another 5 hundred pages and find out if it all comes together in the end.

Other continuing goals: Goal 42, donating to So far I've donated 10,000 grains of rice. I've decided to do them in 5,000 grain increments, because it will be easier to keep track. I need to play 200 times total to complete this goal (198 to go!)

Still telling D I love him everyday. Last night he "reminded" me (I hadn't forgotten, just hadn't said it yet. It was about 11:30) which annoyed me, but probably won't be a bad thing later down the road when I actually might forget or lose track of time.

Oh, and for goal 30--saving a dollar a day--I've decided to get ahead of myself. I plucked out all the quarters from my change jar and rolled $10 dollars of them, so I'm set for the next 10 days. I figure since it's the final number (1001) that's important, rather than the daily ritual of sticking a dollar in a jar, this is the path of least resistance.

Monday, August 3, 2009

And They're Off!

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67. Attend a Unitarian Church Service

What is it: I grew up Catholic, but I've basically stopped going to church except when family pressure dictates (Christmas, Funerals). I'm not even home for Easter anymore, so I haven't been to services for that in several years. Right now I consider myself agnostic--there may very well be no rhyme or reason to the universe, but it's comforting for me to think that there's some great organizing principle. I've heard good things about the Unitarian Universalist church from friends and I'd like to check it out for myself. I enjoy the ritual and moral structure religion can provide, and maybe the Unitarian Church will be the right fit for me.

Haven't started.