Wednesday, July 22, 2009

14. Start a blog for this project and include at least one entry a week

What is it: This blog, obviously. It's in progress because I've started the blog and am doing my best to get organized before my countdown actually begins. But I've got 0/143 posts because I'm not counting these initial organizational posts towards my total and my actual countdown hasn't started so I can't count anything I do before that as a completed goal (or as working towards my completed goals). I'm hoping my commitment to at least weekly updates will keep me motivated to complete the whole list. In this case, there might be weeks where I can't update--for example, I'm going to Wisconsin for a week in August and will likely be away from a computer/internet connection for the entire time--so the end total of 143 is more important than the dates of the posts.

In progress. (8/143)

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