Monday, July 20, 2009

4. Weigh 130 lbs.

What is it: A few years ago, I went on some medication that made me gain a lot of weight very quickly. Since going off that medication a little over a year ago, I've slowly but surely begun taking that weight off again by being more active (living in a city where I can walk everywhere most of the year certainly helps) and being more conscious of what I eat. I'm still short of my goal, but I'm working steadily towards it. I'm looking forward to being more active when I get back to school (signed up for a pilates class, am actually going to drag my butt to the gym) and eating more healthfully. 130 isn't my ultimate weight loss goal (that's about 120), but it's a weight at which I'm healthy for my height/body shape and feel good about myself.

Haven't started

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