Wednesday, July 22, 2009

18. Take the GRE and get a score with which I am satisfied

What is it: In order to get into Grad school later, and the program I'll be applying to in the fall I need to take the GRE. Better now while (at least some of) the information is still fresh in my head. Right now, I've got a couple of test prep books and have been reviewing an practicing. So far my verbal score is fine, I just need to take more time with some of the reading passages, and my Math score is improving. I want to take a couple more practice tests to ensure that the math score I just got wasn't a fluke. Need to practice the writing prompts, just to get the hang of it, but it shouldn't be a problem.

Also, need to determine what I believe to be a "good enough" score. Will comb through some grad school program profiles to see what the median is for the competitive schools.

Completed! 8/29/09

Final Score: Verbal: 740
Math: 740
Writing: 5

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