Monday, July 20, 2009

68. Do some form of public BDSM play

What is it: I'm both an exhibitionist and a humiliation-play enthusiast, so this goal seems to make sense. D is not too keen on the idea of public play in the traditional sense--wailing on me with some type of hitty implement at a public dungeon or a play party and is not interested in "loaning me out" for this purpose either (and I'm not interested in being wailed on by anyone but him, really). I imagine that when we do give this goal a go, it will probably be a large-scale BDSM event, like the Fetish Fair Flea Market, and it will probably involve me being publicly "in role". On his 101 list, he has "use a leash in public" so maybe we'll kill two birds with one stone.

Haven't started.

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