Wednesday, July 22, 2009

93. Get my own credit card

What it is: Given the state of the economy as of late and my status as a perpetually broke college student ($50 to my name ftw), this may seem like a Really Really Bad Idea. But hear me out. I have a credit card now that my father pays for to be used for flights to and from school and emergency purchases. In general, I just use it for those things now. I want my own credit card, in my name that I pay for so that I can improve my credit score (by not overspending and paying it on time) and maybe not live in an apartment for my entire life. Also, I enjoy purchasing things online and I feel more comfortable making those purchases with a credit card (with theft protection) than with a back card. My boyfriend informs me that this might be a Bad Idea anyway, even if I'm diligent about not spending more than I can afford at any given time, but we'll see.

I plan to wait until I have a steady income of my own before I make this goal a reality, anyhow.

Not Started

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