Monday, July 20, 2009

87, Get a Pedicure

What is it: I've never been big on spa-things, though I do appreciate a good massage and a facial every once in a while. I've never had a manicure or pedicure. I don't really care too much about the state of my hands--I bite my nails on and off and generally prefer to keep them short and painting them is too much of a hassle. On the other hand, I have cute feet and I'd like to make them look nice--get the calluses sloughed off, make them feel nice and soft. Basically this is just a "pamper me" kind of thing, and might be nice to do one day with a group of girlfriends (maybe over christmas break). Also, would certainly be nice to have my feet in good shape if I ever decide to pursue foot-worship for money.

Haven't started.

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