Wednesday, July 22, 2009

31. Start all school papers before the night before they are due

What is it: I am a terrible procrastinator and it's only gotten worse in college. I've never turned in anything late, though and I do pretty well but I think, over all, the quality of my work suffers for this. I don't think it's realistic to expect I'll change these habits overnight, seeing as how they've been developing for about 16 years now. So I didn't make this task into *finish* papers before the night before they're due, though I'd like to do that for a paper or two eventually. Starting a paper can count as planning it (outlining) or writing a couple paragraphs, all the way up to writing a draft.

In Progress

Papers So far:
Atlantis Found?
Solitude as a Function of Location in Emerson and Wordsworth

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