Friday, July 24, 2009

Just Who Do You Think You Are?


I'm a full time student in my early 20's, studying Anthropology and English Language and Literature at a great school in the Boston area. I graduate May of 2010 and am trying to figure out how to enter the real world as a Responsible Adult (tm) with as little culture shock as possible. Eventually, I'm looking to go to grad school (really, it's my only option if I want to do something within my fields of interest) but I have no idea how I ultimately want to combine English and Anthropology.

I read voraciously and people watch. I'm a dog person, but I like cats. I grew up in Baltimore, but live in New England now (Boston currently, Connecticut after graduation). I love all things strange, weird, and peculiar from John Waters to Elvis impersonators.

My Relationship

My boyfriend D and I have been together since January of 2008. We met on teh intertubes when I posted a personals ad on a forum site we both belong to and he responded. Our relationship is a wee bit different in that it's a D/s relationship--he's Dominant, I'm submissive. Basically, what that means is he wears the pants. I don't spend my days naked which, while probably fun, is also highly impractical. Everything he does to me is consentual, from beating my butt blue to having me ask permission to go out with friends or stay out late. We do it this way because this is how we both prefer it, and this is what works for us.

He's wonderful and I think I'd be happy with him for the rest of my life. Right now, we live about two hours away from one another when I'm at school, but we're looking to move in together after I graduate.

The List

I stumbled on the idea for the 101 goals in 1001 days challenge quite by accident--I found one blog and followed it back to the Day Zero Website. Truth be told, my motivation to do anything in my life has been flagging for a while now, and I was getting overwhelmed at the prospect of graduating and entering the Real World. The 101 list has helped me form specific, do-able goals. Everything seems a little less scary when you've got a plan, after all. I'm hoping that at the end of the 1001 days I'll have come out on the other end as a competent, self-actualized adult.

Got more questions? Feel free to leave a comment.

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