Monday, July 20, 2009

6. Write a total of 101 poems and/or short stories

What is it: 101 seems ambitious, I know. I'm hoping I'll be able to pull it off. I love writing, but for the past year or so I've had a nasty case of writer's block with occasional flashes of light, but no finished product. I'm hoping that this task will provide me with some incentive to get past that initial hump and get writing again. What I write doesn't have to be "good" but it does have to be finished--that is complete, not fully edited. Erotica written for goal 92 can be counted here as well. I'll probably post stuff here once it's finished (maybe in another blog, to get rid of clutter. there doesn't seem to be a 'cut' feature on blogger).


1. "Erotica" finished 10/14/09

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