Wednesday, July 22, 2009

97. Take as many pictures of completed tasks as possible

What is it: I recognize that this goal is not so clearly defined as it could be: "as many possible" is sort of vague. But many of my tasks do not lend themselves well to photography. I will not be taking a picture of my first threesome, for example. And how does one photograph "Tell D that I love him everyday"? Other tasks lend themselves really well to photography, like the travel related goals

I want to take more pictures in general. I'm really bad at it: I don't carry a camera with me anywhere, and if I do by some divine providence happen to have one on my person, I rarely use it. So in part, this task is meant to provide the incentive I need to start actively documenting my life. As to which task get pictures and which don't--I'm going to have to use my best judgment on a case by case basis. Because of the sexual nature of some of my tasks, I'd like to keep myself as anonymous as possible, but I do plan to upload a good deal of the pictures here.

Haven't started

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