Wednesday, July 22, 2009

59. Catalogue my Library

What is it: I have (probably literally) a ton of books. 4 bookshelves--2 tall and 2 wide and more books than can fit on all of them. I'm hoping that when I move out for good, I'll be able to take my books with me (even if it is little by little). When I do, I'd like to do an inventory of what I have and complete The Great Reorganization* once more. The are a number of sites that let you catalogue your library online, but I haven't been able to find one that doesn't have a limit to how many books you can list (at least without paying, which I'm not willing to do). I'm not opposed to keeping my catalogue on line, but I probably want to keep a hard copy as well.

* The Great Reorganization is a yearly process during which I rip apart my bookshelves and rearrange them according to topic and author's last name.

Haven't started.

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