Wednesday, July 22, 2009

50. Block off my time and stick to it

What is it: As previously noted, I'm a terrible procrastinator. Instead of just saying something like "stop procrastinating" and tossing myself into the metaphorical deep end, I've decided to be proactive about it with my list. I've heard that you're supposed to spend three hours out of class doing work for ever hour in class. Since I have 4 classes at three hours a week total, I should be spending 9 hours per week doing work for each class. I want to experiment with blocking off my time to see if that helps me get all my reading done on time and not save assignments until the last minute. From what I heard, if I do it right, I should have more free time than before left over.

I'll start with a week of it, once school gets back into swing and see how it goes from there.

Haven't started

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