Wednesday, July 22, 2009

24. Keep in touch with college friends after graduation

What is it: I am a notoriously bad friend. Not in the sense that I'm not there for someone when they need me or that I'm a raging bitch (at least, I hope not), but I'm really terrible about keeping in touch with people. I'm phone phobic, and tend to take my sweet time replying to emails and facebook messages (which reminds me of a number of them still sitting on my to-do list as I type). I'd hate to lose out on all the great connections I've made in college because I'm being lazy or needlessly anxious. There are about 3 or 4 people that I want to stay in contact with after I graduate. In order to consider this task complete, I must still be in touch with at least two people through email, phone, or in person at the end of 1001 days. I would classify "Out of touch" as no contact of any sort in 3 months.

I can't actually start this task until I graduate in May, but until then I can practice calling and emailing the people I want to stay in touch with.

Won't start until 2010

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