Wednesday, July 22, 2009

90. Learn to mix drinks

What is it: Like a number of things on my list, this just seems like a fun and interesting skill to have. I'm not a big drinker, and what I drink depends largely on how it tastes (sugary, usually, since I don't like the taste of much alcohol), so learning to make fancy schmancy cocktails would be an asset for myself and my own drinking habits as well as a neat party trick. I could take a class and get a certification for this which costs money (bad) but would allow me to work as a bartender (good). I could also just get some books on shots and cocktails and experiment until I'm competent. Not really specific, but I'll make a more specific list of requirements later. A list of "Classic cocktails" I shoud be able to make (martini, G and T, etc) and maybe some fun ones too.

Haven't started.

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