Monday, July 20, 2009

29. Attempt the New York Times Crossword 101 times

What is it: Stupidly, I originally created this as a weekly goal. Then I realized that not only will there be weeks where I can't get my hands on the New York Times, but there will be weeks where I just don't feel like trying a crossword. I still have to look into whether you can find the crossword online (which would be ideal, because I'd just be wasting the rest of the Times). Anyhow, I think 101 attempts is still an admirable goal, and one that I'll have to put effort into completing

I like crosswords, but I've never tackled the NYT crossword, crossword to end all crosswords, with any consistency. I have fun with them and they help keep me sharp. Maybe I can talk D into doing some of them with me.


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