Friday, July 24, 2009

Just Who Do You Think You Are?


I'm a full time student in my early 20's, studying Anthropology and English Language and Literature at a great school in the Boston area. I graduate May of 2010 and am trying to figure out how to enter the real world as a Responsible Adult (tm) with as little culture shock as possible. Eventually, I'm looking to go to grad school (really, it's my only option if I want to do something within my fields of interest) but I have no idea how I ultimately want to combine English and Anthropology.

I read voraciously and people watch. I'm a dog person, but I like cats. I grew up in Baltimore, but live in New England now (Boston currently, Connecticut after graduation). I love all things strange, weird, and peculiar from John Waters to Elvis impersonators.

My Relationship

My boyfriend D and I have been together since January of 2008. We met on teh intertubes when I posted a personals ad on a forum site we both belong to and he responded. Our relationship is a wee bit different in that it's a D/s relationship--he's Dominant, I'm submissive. Basically, what that means is he wears the pants. I don't spend my days naked which, while probably fun, is also highly impractical. Everything he does to me is consentual, from beating my butt blue to having me ask permission to go out with friends or stay out late. We do it this way because this is how we both prefer it, and this is what works for us.

He's wonderful and I think I'd be happy with him for the rest of my life. Right now, we live about two hours away from one another when I'm at school, but we're looking to move in together after I graduate.

The List

I stumbled on the idea for the 101 goals in 1001 days challenge quite by accident--I found one blog and followed it back to the Day Zero Website. Truth be told, my motivation to do anything in my life has been flagging for a while now, and I was getting overwhelmed at the prospect of graduating and entering the Real World. The 101 list has helped me form specific, do-able goals. Everything seems a little less scary when you've got a plan, after all. I'm hoping that at the end of the 1001 days I'll have come out on the other end as a competent, self-actualized adult.

Got more questions? Feel free to leave a comment.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

101. Create a new 101 things list

What is it: This one's pretty self explanatory, but it's completion will have to wait til close to the end of the 1001 days. I'm hoping to kick my life into gear with this challenge and bring myself to a new and better place by the end of it. I'm sure I'll have a ton of new things I want to do by the end of this list (I'll be 24. Christ) because I'll be in a different place in my life. If this challenge can kick me into gear once, I'm sure it can again.

Haven't started.

97. Take as many pictures of completed tasks as possible

What is it: I recognize that this goal is not so clearly defined as it could be: "as many possible" is sort of vague. But many of my tasks do not lend themselves well to photography. I will not be taking a picture of my first threesome, for example. And how does one photograph "Tell D that I love him everyday"? Other tasks lend themselves really well to photography, like the travel related goals

I want to take more pictures in general. I'm really bad at it: I don't carry a camera with me anywhere, and if I do by some divine providence happen to have one on my person, I rarely use it. So in part, this task is meant to provide the incentive I need to start actively documenting my life. As to which task get pictures and which don't--I'm going to have to use my best judgment on a case by case basis. Because of the sexual nature of some of my tasks, I'd like to keep myself as anonymous as possible, but I do plan to upload a good deal of the pictures here.

Haven't started

89. Have a 1001 days completion party

What is it: After 1001 days, I will have (hopefully) accomplished a lot and kicked my life into gear. So celebration will be in order. I'm more a 'low-key night with friends' kind of person than a 'wild kegger with strippers and blow' kind of person so I'm envisioning something classy with good friends and good food, for my new adult life. I'll be inviting friends as well as all the people who help me finish my goals (even if they can't make it).

This can't really be accomplished until close to the end of the 1001 days, but since my time ends on a Saturday, it's possible it can even been done on that night.

Haven't started

14. Start a blog for this project and include at least one entry a week

What is it: This blog, obviously. It's in progress because I've started the blog and am doing my best to get organized before my countdown actually begins. But I've got 0/143 posts because I'm not counting these initial organizational posts towards my total and my actual countdown hasn't started so I can't count anything I do before that as a completed goal (or as working towards my completed goals). I'm hoping my commitment to at least weekly updates will keep me motivated to complete the whole list. In this case, there might be weeks where I can't update--for example, I'm going to Wisconsin for a week in August and will likely be away from a computer/internet connection for the entire time--so the end total of 143 is more important than the dates of the posts.

In progress. (8/143)

88. Tutor

What is it: Originally, when I started this list, I had a ton of "volunteering" related goals--being a Big Sister, building a house for Habitat for Humanity--all noble goals and all things that I'd still like to do (just because they're not on the list doesn't mean I can't still do them) but I don't know if I'd have the time or the heart at this point to commit to them.

Tutoring, on the other hand, is something I can do. I've done it before, both informally and formally, for pay and pro bono. It's a good way for me to give back, but also something that might prepare me for things I want to do later in life. If I'm not mistaken, there are opportunities to tutor at area schools through my college.

Haven't started

42. Donate 1 million grains of rice to

What is it: While I was compiling my 101 list, I realized a lot of my goals were very self-focused. I really wanted to give back but I'm short on both time and money. provides me with a fun, easy (and free!) way to give to a cause I believe in (hunger). 1 million grains of rice seems like a lot,but the way the game is set up, its definitely feasible, plus it helps build my vocabulary for the GRE.

In progress (25,000/1,000,000)

66. Tell D everyday that I love him

What is it: When I was compiling this list, I shared this one with D and he said, "But don't you already do that?" He's right, of course. I probably do. We have contact in some form or another everyday and I'm sure "I love you" makes an appearance in one of its many incarnations (we have a number of disgustingly cute code words and phrases that approximate to the same thing). But I put this on my list because I want "I love you" to be a deliberate action on my part, to think about why I'm saying it every day that I say it. In this case, "I love you too" doesn't count.

In progress (119/1001)

57. Visit Stranathan

What is it: Stranathan was my high school chemistry/bio teacher. He was the first person to seriously ask me what I wanted to do with my life (and listen to the answer), and he fought the administration to have me placed in higher level Physics. He's been a sort of mentor to me and I've been back to see him and chat a couple of times, but for one reason or another, I haven't seen him in over a year. I want to make at least one final visit before I move out of the area for good.

Haven't Started.

34. Find a way to thank Mary

What is it: Mary is/was my therapist. She's helped me through the absolute worst times in my past, has been a constant advocate for me, but isn't afraid to tell me when I'm wrong, and I don't think I'm being hyperbolic when I say that, in a number of ways, she's saved me.I woudn't be half as well adjusted as I am today if it weren't for her. I stopped seeing her after I went off to college, but have recently come back since my mother's been slowly circling the drain and I've been trying to adjust to life as an Adult. I want to find an appropriate way to say "thank you".

Haven't started

24. Keep in touch with college friends after graduation

What is it: I am a notoriously bad friend. Not in the sense that I'm not there for someone when they need me or that I'm a raging bitch (at least, I hope not), but I'm really terrible about keeping in touch with people. I'm phone phobic, and tend to take my sweet time replying to emails and facebook messages (which reminds me of a number of them still sitting on my to-do list as I type). I'd hate to lose out on all the great connections I've made in college because I'm being lazy or needlessly anxious. There are about 3 or 4 people that I want to stay in contact with after I graduate. In order to consider this task complete, I must still be in touch with at least two people through email, phone, or in person at the end of 1001 days. I would classify "Out of touch" as no contact of any sort in 3 months.

I can't actually start this task until I graduate in May, but until then I can practice calling and emailing the people I want to stay in touch with.

Won't start until 2010

16. Cook a Holiday meal for friends/family

What is it: Seems to me that this is one of those things you do when you're really an adult. Granted of course, I'm likely to be doing major holidays (Christmas and Thanksgiving) with my family for the next couple years, but I'm hoping I can arrange it so that I can maybe do something small at my place either one of those holidays (Maybe christmas eve?) or maybe on a minor holiday (Labor day, Memorial day or July 4th cook outs). I can probably take pictures of this one ( or at least the meal).

Haven't started.

98. Learn to Belly dance

What is it: While not related to the stripercize goal, the motivations behind this are similar. It's a great way to get and stay in shape, and it's sexy (D will approve). Plus I'd love to be able to list this as a skill somewhere. I think the best way to accomplish this goal is either through classes (which cost money, my school doesn't offer them) or videos (which also cost money, but less). I'll consider this goal complete when I can do some sort of "routine" to a song, on my own without guidance. I should be able to take and post pictures.

Haven't started

90. Learn to mix drinks

What is it: Like a number of things on my list, this just seems like a fun and interesting skill to have. I'm not a big drinker, and what I drink depends largely on how it tastes (sugary, usually, since I don't like the taste of much alcohol), so learning to make fancy schmancy cocktails would be an asset for myself and my own drinking habits as well as a neat party trick. I could take a class and get a certification for this which costs money (bad) but would allow me to work as a bartender (good). I could also just get some books on shots and cocktails and experiment until I'm competent. Not really specific, but I'll make a more specific list of requirements later. A list of "Classic cocktails" I shoud be able to make (martini, G and T, etc) and maybe some fun ones too.

Haven't started.

81. Learn to fish

What is it: There is photographic evidence of me fishing when I was probably about 10--I vaguely remember the day. My dad took us to a friend's house on a smallish-pond and I remember squishing the worm over the hook and then hurting my fingers on the fish's scales. I only have a vague recollection, and I haven't been fishing since. I don't think this task will require a class or anything. Maybe some instruction from someone who already knows how, or a book. My Dad doesn't fish to my knowledge, but D might be game (even though I don't think he knows any more about fishing than I do).

Haven't started

64. Apply for 10 scholarships in Zinch

What is it: is like a cross between fastweb and facebook. You create a profile and then they find scholarships that apply to you. Essay writing is a strength of mine, and not all of the scholarships even require essays. It's likely that this is likely the last year I'll be eligible for many, so best make hay while the sun shines, and all that. I could certainly use the extra cash for the school year and beyond.


The No Essay Scholarship

59. Catalogue my Library

What is it: I have (probably literally) a ton of books. 4 bookshelves--2 tall and 2 wide and more books than can fit on all of them. I'm hoping that when I move out for good, I'll be able to take my books with me (even if it is little by little). When I do, I'd like to do an inventory of what I have and complete The Great Reorganization* once more. The are a number of sites that let you catalogue your library online, but I haven't been able to find one that doesn't have a limit to how many books you can list (at least without paying, which I'm not willing to do). I'm not opposed to keeping my catalogue on line, but I probably want to keep a hard copy as well.

* The Great Reorganization is a yearly process during which I rip apart my bookshelves and rearrange them according to topic and author's last name.

Haven't started.

54. Read the entire Marquez oeuvre in Spanish

What is it: I picked up Spanish in High School pretty easily, but since I've been out of practice my skills have dissipated pretty quickly. Reading Marquez in Spanish at this point will probably necessitate having my hefty Spanish to English dictionary on hand, and should be slow going, at least at first, but hopefully by the end of it I'll feel more competent in my Spanish speaking skills.

Coming soon: A list of what I consider to be Marquez's oeuvre

Haven't started

50. Block off my time and stick to it

What is it: As previously noted, I'm a terrible procrastinator. Instead of just saying something like "stop procrastinating" and tossing myself into the metaphorical deep end, I've decided to be proactive about it with my list. I've heard that you're supposed to spend three hours out of class doing work for ever hour in class. Since I have 4 classes at three hours a week total, I should be spending 9 hours per week doing work for each class. I want to experiment with blocking off my time to see if that helps me get all my reading done on time and not save assignments until the last minute. From what I heard, if I do it right, I should have more free time than before left over.

I'll start with a week of it, once school gets back into swing and see how it goes from there.

Haven't started

47. Read at least a book a week

What is it: A book a week may sound like a lot--over 1001 days, it comes out to be about 143 books--but really, I don't think it's going to be that difficult. I'm a bookworm and a fast reader, besides which I read more than a book a week with classes anyhow. In this case, its not so much the book a week thing that's important, so much as that it averages out to be a book a week.

In Progress (24/143)

The Writing Class by Jincy Willet
2666 (1) by Roberto Bola
Lost Tribe: Jewish Fiction from the Edge ed. by
Paul Zakrzewski
Silence by Shusaku Endo
My Antonia by Willa Cather
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers by Henry David Thoreau
Pnin by Vladimir Nabokov
A Feather on the Breath of God by Sigrid Nunez
Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Call it Sleep by Henry Roth
How to Write a Dirty Story by Susie Bright
The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Quiet American by Graham Greene
Heat and Dust by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
The Best of the Best American Erotica 2008 ed. by Susie Bright
War Trash by Ha Jin
A Bend in the River by V. S. Naipaul
Frauds, Myths and Mysteries by Kenneth Feder
Fables: Legends in Exile (graphic novel)
Fables: Animal Farm (graphic novel)
Live Nude Elf by Reverend Jen
Morphology of the Folktale by Vladimir Propp
The Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille

39. Begin to learn another language

What is it: In high school and a bit in college I picked up Spanish. At my best point, I considered myself fluent, but at this point I'd say I'm passively bilingual at best (I can understand it, but my speaking skills are shot to hell). I've already assigned myself a goal designed to work on my Spanish skills (see: Marquez), but I want to pick up another language, for my own personal benefit, but I'm also thinking an extra language can only be an asset in my later academic life. I'm not sure which language yet (short list: French, Russian, Hebrew), or my exact plan of attack, but I've got a few ideas--they offer Rosetta stone for free at school, and I've got a free class next semester.

Haven't started

31. Start all school papers before the night before they are due

What is it: I am a terrible procrastinator and it's only gotten worse in college. I've never turned in anything late, though and I do pretty well but I think, over all, the quality of my work suffers for this. I don't think it's realistic to expect I'll change these habits overnight, seeing as how they've been developing for about 16 years now. So I didn't make this task into *finish* papers before the night before they're due, though I'd like to do that for a paper or two eventually. Starting a paper can count as planning it (outlining) or writing a couple paragraphs, all the way up to writing a draft.

In Progress

Papers So far:
Atlantis Found?
Solitude as a Function of Location in Emerson and Wordsworth

27. Get CPR certified

What is it: There are a couple of reasons why this one is listed. First, it's just a useful skill to have, even though I don't know if I'll ever feel confident enough in my abilities to save the day. Second, depending on what jobs I'm looking for (and how desperate I get), CPR certification (along with first aid, or life guard cert.) can help me get a job either caring for children (camp counselor, nanny, etc) or lifeguarding. My college offers courses each semester, so I can easily take a class next semester to get certified and I'll have this complete by the end of the school year.

Haven't started.

26. Figure out what I want to do in Grad school

What is it: Another seemingly ill-defined goal, but I've got some specific parameters. I'm an English and Anthropology double major, so my problem lies in picking which one I want to pursue in my graduate career or finding some acceptable middle ground. Alternately, I decide I want to pursue folklore (in America, about Elvis), oral history, Hispanic culture, Cultural Counseling, Magical Realism in Hispanic or Jewish-American Lit. and on and on and on.

My goal is to pick which avenue to pursue and find some Grad programs that would allow me to pursue it. I expect this to be a long range goal.

Haven't started

25. Apply toYale MA program

What is it: I stumbled across this almost on accident and it's perfect for me. I'm being deliberately vague because it's a small program. It would let me do something I actually want to do while giving me the time to figure out which direction I want to head in later for Grad school. Of course, it's Yale, and from what I can gather it's very selective, so I have no idea of what my actual chances are of getting in, but I'll never get in if I don't apply.

I really want this, so I can't wait until the last minute to turn anything. The Application opens in August and I have essays to write and recommendation letters to solicit (2 in mind, need one more) and standardized tests to take.

Will Not Be Completed

19. Pass the Praxis

What is it: This is a requirement for the MA program I'm applying for, but in addition if I want to get a teaching certification in the not so distant future, better to get this sort of standardized testing out of the way while the information and procedures are still semi- fresh in my mind.

First step: Determining which versions I need to take, and registering for them.

Haven't started

18. Take the GRE and get a score with which I am satisfied

What is it: In order to get into Grad school later, and the program I'll be applying to in the fall I need to take the GRE. Better now while (at least some of) the information is still fresh in my head. Right now, I've got a couple of test prep books and have been reviewing an practicing. So far my verbal score is fine, I just need to take more time with some of the reading passages, and my Math score is improving. I want to take a couple more practice tests to ensure that the math score I just got wasn't a fluke. Need to practice the writing prompts, just to get the hang of it, but it shouldn't be a problem.

Also, need to determine what I believe to be a "good enough" score. Will comb through some grad school program profiles to see what the median is for the competitive schools.

Completed! 8/29/09

Final Score: Verbal: 740
Math: 740
Writing: 5

12. Graduate from college with Latin Honors

What is it: Academic success has always been important to me. I'll be graduating from college this may with a B.A. in English Language and Literature and a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology. Latin Honors are determined each year by the top % of GPA in the class (5%, 10%, etc), so the actual GPA that qualifies you for a certain level of honor (Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude, and Magna Cum Laude) changes from year to year. Based on last years percentages, my current GPA qualifies me for Cum Laude, and if I work hard for my last two semesters, maybe Summa Cum Laude.

Projected completion date: May 2010

99. Put a message in a bottle and send it

What is it: Another one of those weird, semi-inconsequential ways things I just want to do for no reason in particular. I enjoy connecting with strangers in novel (or, in this case retro) ways. I have no idea what I'd write, or if I'd even write anything myself. This tasks presents a couple of logistical problems--what kind of bottle should I use? How do I seal it without it leaking? How can I put it in the ocean? I can't just toss it into the surf because it's likely to just wash back up in a matter of moments. Maybe I can do it on my cruise.

Haven't started

85. Go half a mile on a hippity-hop

What is it: I made a Life To-Do List when I was about 13 and this was on it. It was an homage to Friends (which I was really into at the time) where Phoebe goes for a mile on a hippity-hop because she's turning 30. I thought it would be cute and fun and something silly I can tell people about. This goal requires the purchase of a hippity-hop. D thinks it's adorable. He'd probably come down with me to a school track to help do it.

Haven't started

82. Learn to dance a dance

What is it: Always wanted to be able to "cut a rug". I'm not rhythm-less, but I do have trouble letting the guy lead. I'm hoping I can learn to dance a specific kind of dance--something sexy and latin, maybe. Maybe just something I can bust out on my wedding day somewhere off in the distant future. My school offers free tango, salsa, and swing classes, so I think I'll satisfy this goal that way Spring semester.

Haven't started

71. Beat Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2

What is it: I like video games but I generally prefer the "classics"--Mario, Pacman, etc, etc. I don't think I've beaten a video game since Mario Bros 3. I love Disney movies, so by default I love Kingdom Hearts, but I've never beaten it. Armed with my outdated PS2, I'm going to tackle one or the other in my free time.

Haven't started

63. Mastermind a scavenger hunt

What is it: I think scavenger hunts, when executed well, are awesome. I have always always wanted to plan an elaborate one or complete an elaborate one. I have a bunch of ideas for this one but I'm waffling between several ideas--should I do it for a specific event (Birthday scavenger hunt, Halloween scavenger hunt, etc) or have it as it's own event. Should I state specific things (find a lamp) or should I do riddle clues and on and on and on. This will probably require a good deal of effort on my part but I'm hoping to make it a fun time for everyone who participates. ooh. Maybe I'll make it a writer's workshop event.

Haven't started.

61. Make 10 mix CDs to leave for others to find

What is it: I love crafting the perfect mix CD for friends and for specific occasions for myself. So, as a random act of kindness I plan to make 10 CDs with track lists and leave them in public so that other people can find and enjoy them. I'm worried that someone will see me leaving them and try to give them back to me or that they'll just wind up in a lost and found somewhere. I suppose that's a risk I'll have to take. When I finish each one, I'll post the track listings here.


60. Finish a coloring book

What is it: Since D and I have gotten more in to age play, I've started coloring again and found that I find it incredibly relaxing. I've got a number of coloring books now, mostly from cartoon shows that I liked when I was little (even Rainbow Brite!) but they're all half-finished. Basically I'd just like to have a cute, nicely done little girl thing.

In progress

53. Learn how to read tarot cards

What is it: I'm really interested in the supernatural and the occult. I don't know that I have much in the way of natural psychic ability, but I'd still like to give it a shot. I've made a couple of attempts at learning how to read tarot cards, but I've never considered myself competent at it. I'll consider this goal complete when I can do a complete reading without consulting a guide of any sort. According to lore, you're supposed to receive cards as a gift, or else its bad luck and they won't work. So I guess I'll have to do some heavy hinting.

Haven't started.

46. Put poetry in 101 different bathroom stalls

What is it: In high school, I used to graffiti the bathroom stalls with poetry--not my own, which I feel would have been kind of self-aggrandizing (and slightly emo)--mostly short stuff by 'official' Poets that lent itself well to being scrawled on a bathroom wall. I've done it once or twice since going to college, but I've basically stopped at this point. I want to get back into injecting something beautiful into life.


38. Pet a monkey

What is it: Like the penguin one, this is another hold over from my list 8 years ago. Again, jun thing I'd like to do and reconnection with my inner child.

Unlike the penguin one, there are no plans to make this one happen, but we went to a petting zoo last years where I think you can do this kind of things, so we'll see. Pictures should be pending.

Haven't started.

37. Pet a penguin

What is it: This is another hold over from a list I made when I was 13. I still want to pet a penguin. There's no deep meaning behind this one--just a fun thing I want to do and a hearkening back to my adolescence.

D has started planning for this one. He found some 'Penguin Meet and Greet' that a local zoo hosts. You can pay money for a group to go and everyone gets to meet the penguins. He wants to set it up for a weekend in the Fall.

Haven't started.

22. See an Elvis impersonator

What is it: My weird obsession with Elvis is long celebrated. This obsession is weird because it is not your typical Elvis obsession--I like his music, and am interested in his biography, but what I find truly fascinating is how he's been raised to God Status after his death. I am so obsessed that I'm working my Elvis obsession into a novel and I'm considering doing anthropological research on Elvis as a cultural icon. My Dad has told me about a yearly charity event known as the Night of 1000 Elvises at which Elvis impersonators gather. I'm hoping to complete this goal there. Yes, there will be pictures.

Haven't started

21. Spontaneously go to a roadside tourist trap

What is it: I love American kitsch and weird stuff in general. I've always wanted to spontaneously stop at one of those campy road side tourist traps, but I've never had the chance. On one memorable road trip with my friend N we passed by a wax museum, a drive-thru safari, and the Stonewall Jackson Hall of American Presidents (protip: Stonewall wasn't president, that would be Andrew). D and I are making a planned trip to the House on the Rock (as seen in Neil Gaiman's American Gods) but since, we're planning it, it's not spontaneous, so it doesn't count. I'll need another. Which means another road trip. Awesome!

Haven't started.

20. Swim in the Charles

What is it: It's true--you can actually swim in the Charles River in Boston and not die of sepsis. I have friends who have done it, and as far as I know they haven't died or given birth to any flipper babies. I've lived in Boston far too long (3 years!) without trying this. Seize the day! Swim in the Charles! Hopefully, I'll be able to take pictures of this one.

Completed! 9/4/09

7. Get my palm read

What it is: I don't put a ton of faith into things like this-psychic advisories, Chakra realignment, etc--but I do think there's something to them. For my 18th birthday, my family threw me a surprise party and my mother hired a tarot card reader. I think her reading of me was off--she told me I was in love. But I haven't given up on the enterprise yet. I've tried to learn a couple of times how to read palms myself, but I can only remember a few facts about a few lines.

Basically, this is just a fun little thing I'd like to have done to see what it reveals, if anything.

Haven't started

93. Get my own credit card

What it is: Given the state of the economy as of late and my status as a perpetually broke college student ($50 to my name ftw), this may seem like a Really Really Bad Idea. But hear me out. I have a credit card now that my father pays for to be used for flights to and from school and emergency purchases. In general, I just use it for those things now. I want my own credit card, in my name that I pay for so that I can improve my credit score (by not overspending and paying it on time) and maybe not live in an apartment for my entire life. Also, I enjoy purchasing things online and I feel more comfortable making those purchases with a credit card (with theft protection) than with a back card. My boyfriend informs me that this might be a Bad Idea anyway, even if I'm diligent about not spending more than I can afford at any given time, but we'll see.

I plan to wait until I have a steady income of my own before I make this goal a reality, anyhow.

Not Started

72. Back up all important computer files

What is it: For Christmas, D got me a couple of flash drives to use for school and to back up important files--documents for classes and personal writing, music purchased, uploaded and downloaded, etc--and I've yet to put them to use. If my computer were to crash, I would lose a ton of data and be out all that money i spent on itunes. I have the flash drives still, though I don't know if they're big enough to hold everything. Completion of this task only depends on me getting my butt in gear. Beyond that, I would like to continue to move data to the flash drives regularly, but this task is really about that first initial downloading.

Not Started

70. Buy no more than 15 non-necessary books

What is it: I've changed the number here a bunch of times--first it was 5, and I thought there's no way I can buy so few books, then it was 25 and I thought that was way too high, especially given that I'm not counting books bought with gift cards in this number (because it's not my money, and in many cases, the card will depreciate over time). So I settled on 15. Enough so that I can run out get the new novel from my favorite author, or get stuff from the COOP (where I won't get gift cards), but low enough to make this to require a substantial amount of effort from me.

I'm a self-professed bibliophile and I own way too fucking many books (4 6x3 shelves and more books besides) and what's worse, is that there are still a ton of books I haven't read sitting on my shelves. By limiting my book purchases, I'm hoping to save some money and focus on reading the books I already own (maybe that'll be a goal for my next list).

In progress (2/15)

8/12/09- Purchased Anais Nin's Delta of Venus, as an End of GRE gift to myself.
Some time ago- Purchased Nerve: Literate Smut at the Book Barn with D

58. Move in with D

What is it: I almost feel like this one is a cheat because he and I have been planning this one for a while, so it seems like it's almost inevitable (Like if I put "Graduate from college" when I have no reason to believe I'm not going to graduate). But I still think it's a big step in Real Adult(tm)hood and in a Real Relationship which will require a good bit of effort on my part (as well as on D's) to get the logistics together, and also to adjust to living with someone other than family for The Long Hull. Right now, we're anticipating moving in together immediately after I graduate, so sometime this spring/summer.

Haven't started.

56. Pay my own bills for something

What is it: It seems strange that I shouldn't have had to do this already, even if it was money given to me specifically for the purpose of paying my own bills (I've never even actually had to write a check, even though I have, I think, 2 checkbooks). Since this list is in part designed to help me become a Responsible Adult (tm), I figure it's time I get around to covering this very essential part. The completion of this goal might have to be put on hold until I actually have bills to pay--when my cell phone is not on my father's plan, I'm not living in a dorm, or I get kicked off my father's insurance plan when I graduate.

Haven't started.

55. File my own taxes

What is it: I am still listed as a dependent on my father's taxes. Which makes sense since I'm a full time student and work under the table, only making a couple thousand a year, tops. In order to be a Responsible Adult (tm) in the Real World, I need to figure out how to file a tax return that won't have the IRS hunting me down. D's already had to do this and he's got the necessary software, so he can show me the ins and outs. I don't suspect to be able to complete this task until I actually have a real job and my father is no longer listing me as a dependent or footing the bill for my education, so probably after I graduate.

Haven't started.

Monday, July 20, 2009

45. Work a full-time job

What is it: Seems strange I haven't done this yet, right? (For the record--I'd count 40 hours a week during the 4 or so months during the year that school is out of session as "full time") I don't work during the school year (though that might change this year), but I do work part time during the summer. I have nothing against working full time, I just have terrible luck picking jobs (I've waitressed, nannied, done clerical work for friends, and taken care of my elderly grandmother (she died)) nothing has worked out well. I probably won't be able to work full time until I graduate, so this will be on hold until I graduate.

Haven't started.

30. Store $1 a day

What is it: In general, I'm not so great about saving money, mostly because I haven't had a reliable source of income and things like Christmas presents (and books) always seem to eat up whatever extra I have. $1 seems like a reasonable amount, even if it's just scrounging up 10 dimes or a hundred pennies. I'd like to keep a jar for this, and deposit the money into a bank account after every $100 I collect. This is another goal where it doesn't matter if it gets done every day, so long as it gets done (i.e. depositing 7 dollars once a week is acceptable)

In Progress (30/1001)

17. Host a dinner party

What is it: Basically I just want to throw a "classy" party for some close friends (also, practice cooking for a group). A good meal, good booze, good conversation. Cocktail dresses. Mostly for the novelty of it, not out of some weird notion of "how things should be" or "what adult parties are like". I don't do keggers, really, so my social agenda now, is not too far off. minus the meal, of course.

Haven't started.

13. Complete a resume

What is it: I haven't made one of these since Career Day in high school, and since I'm looking to become a Responsible Adult(tm) eventually I figure it's probably important. Really, if I sit down and do this with a decent template, it shouldn't be difficult at all and shouldn't take me a lot of time.

Haven't Started

5. Learn to Cook

What is it: Another task that seems to be ill-defined, but I've got some specific criteria to meet so that I can consider this task complete. Basically, I feel that in order to be a Real Person(tm), I need to learn how to cook meals that are not ramen and soup or cheese and crackers. I have a few things I can make reliably (mm cheesy orzo) and i can follow a recipe without too much trouble, but I don't feel that I'm competent enough to say that I am able to cook.

I'm taking a "just for fun" class this semester called "Healthy Cooking on a Budget" which should go towards this goal's completion. I'll consider it done when I can (and have) prepared home-cooked meals for an entire week.

In Progress

52. Get button-making supplies and make 101 new buttons

What is it: For Christmas one year, I asked for a button-making kit complete with button press and the the plastic covers and button backs and tops. And I LOVED it. I've got a box full of the buttons I made, cut mostly from old magazines. I used up all of the "supplies" but I still have the button press. I want to go online and purchase the requisite materials (hopefully the website I got the press from still exists. you can get "replacements" there) and make 101 new buttons.


32. Finish the first draft of a novel

What is it: They say everyone has at least one novel in them, and since I've still got dreams of being a writer, I'm hoping I've got more than one. Right now, I have the Elvis novel I've been developing for a couple years now. Basically I need to sit down and get to it. For this goal, I'll count whatever comes out of NaNoWriMo, but I made them two separate goals because it is likely that my "novel" will be longer than 50,000 words and/or I'll need more than a month to finish it.

Haven't Started

10. Send in 10 secrets to postsecret

What is it: Postsecret is a community Art project where you mail in your secrets on a postcard of your own design. Initially, my goal was to have a post secret published (and just keep sending them in til I saw one on the site). D pointed out that this was not realistic as I have no control over what does and does not get published. He's right, hence the change. Hopefully, I'll still get to see one published.

Status: (0/10)

9. Complete a Nanowrimo

What is it: NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is a 50,000 word sprint to the finish. Officially, it takes place in November (that's when people do it en masse), but really, you can do it any month of the year (February's generally not recommended). I've always wanted to participate in a NaNoWriMo, but I've always made excuses as to why I can't. I still want to, I have a book in mind, so no time like the present, right? I'm always reluctant to because of school, but since I'm graduating this May, maybe afterwards.

Haven't started

6. Write a total of 101 poems and/or short stories

What is it: 101 seems ambitious, I know. I'm hoping I'll be able to pull it off. I love writing, but for the past year or so I've had a nasty case of writer's block with occasional flashes of light, but no finished product. I'm hoping that this task will provide me with some incentive to get past that initial hump and get writing again. What I write doesn't have to be "good" but it does have to be finished--that is complete, not fully edited. Erotica written for goal 92 can be counted here as well. I'll probably post stuff here once it's finished (maybe in another blog, to get rid of clutter. there doesn't seem to be a 'cut' feature on blogger).


1. "Erotica" finished 10/14/09

95. Track food eaten for one month

What is it: Since I'm working on losing weight of the course of my mission, I figure tracking everything I put into my mouth for a month might be a good place to start, so I can see what can be cut out and cut back. If I'm more conscious of what I'm eating, I figure I'll be able to alter my diet more effectively.I've experimented with this in the past and had difficulty sustaining it for more than a few days, but I figure that if I fail for one month, I've got 32 more that I can try.

I'm concerned that if my issue is portion control rather than quantity of food, I won't have a way of measuring it--I'll have to guesstimate portions at restaurants and the dining hall. We'll see.

Haven't started

94. Splurge on an expensive haircut

What is it: Since I'm a poor college student, anything more expensive than about $30 is out of my price range for a haircut. I have nice hair, and I'd like to take it to someone who knows what to do with it, someone I can turn over the reigns to my hair and say "Have at it! But make it look good". Some place that won't thin it without asking me or leave it half wet because it's so damn thick. So expensive, quality haircut. I need to do something for me.

Haven't started.

87, Get a Pedicure

What is it: I've never been big on spa-things, though I do appreciate a good massage and a facial every once in a while. I've never had a manicure or pedicure. I don't really care too much about the state of my hands--I bite my nails on and off and generally prefer to keep them short and painting them is too much of a hassle. On the other hand, I have cute feet and I'd like to make them look nice--get the calluses sloughed off, make them feel nice and soft. Basically this is just a "pamper me" kind of thing, and might be nice to do one day with a group of girlfriends (maybe over christmas break). Also, would certainly be nice to have my feet in good shape if I ever decide to pursue foot-worship for money.

Haven't started.

74. Try Pilates

What is it: I love yoga, and pilates seems to be a higher impact version (same focus on breathing, feeling the whole body, less focus on meditation and fewer silly names). Since yoga has worked so well for me in the past, I'm hoping that PIlates will have a similar effect and help me get back into shape. I signed up for a free twice-a-week class this semester at school. I can try it out, and drop it if I don't like it.

Complete! As of 10/18/09

49. Run a Mile without stopping

What is it: I've been doing a good job of getting back into shape in general and building up my cardiovascular endurance, but even at my "peak" I could never run a mile without stopping. I've never been much of a runner up until college, and even then, I'm very particular about how I run--around the city, alone, with my head phones. And I've never been able to pace myself well--I'm either almost sprinting or walking. My major accomplishment, when I was running regularly (no sidewalks where I am now, so a gym membership has to suffice), was to run the full length of one side of the Harvard/MIT bridge. I think if I run both sides and the to-and-from apartment, it evens out to about a mile (will do google map calculations to be sure). I hate running on a track (feel like a gerbil), but I won't completely veto the idea of testing this task on a track.

Haven't started

48. Wear no make-up in public on 10 separate occasions

What is it: Ask my boyfriend D, and he will tell you that I am exasperatingly neurotic about wearing make-up whenever I leave the house, regardless of how few people will see more, or how low key the event we're leaving for is. I'd like to be more comfortable with myself without make up on, so I'm going to force myself to step out of my comfort zone for this one. It will definitely be good for my self-esteem, and probably won't hurt my skin either.

1. 8/16/09

4. Weigh 130 lbs.

What is it: A few years ago, I went on some medication that made me gain a lot of weight very quickly. Since going off that medication a little over a year ago, I've slowly but surely begun taking that weight off again by being more active (living in a city where I can walk everywhere most of the year certainly helps) and being more conscious of what I eat. I'm still short of my goal, but I'm working steadily towards it. I'm looking forward to being more active when I get back to school (signed up for a pilates class, am actually going to drag my butt to the gym) and eating more healthfully. 130 isn't my ultimate weight loss goal (that's about 120), but it's a weight at which I'm healthy for my height/body shape and feel good about myself.

Haven't started

84. Visit Yellowstone National Park

What is it: Basically, I just want to see it--one of my country's own natural wonders--while it's still around. I don't know which parts or how I'll accomplish it yet (camping? road trip?) but I do know I want to do the cliche touristy things. Old faithful (that's Yellowstone, right?), etc. D is game, and my brother has mentioned plans for a cross-the-country two month traveling comping trip, so I'm sure I can at least drop in.

Haven't started.

78. Go on a cruise

What is it: I've never done one of these, so this is on my goal mostly to see if I'll like it or not. Going on a cruise is a nice vacation in itself, but it also present some opportunities for other fun things--swimming with sea turtles, climbing pyramids in mexico, visiting another country. D is definitely game, and actually has mentioned going on a cruise to Alaska (also cool, though I'd prefer something more tropical).

Haven't started.

33. Visit 20 new states

What is it: So far, I've visited 17 states. Here's my map:

visited 17 states (34%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or jurisdische veraling duits?

As you can see, most of the states I've visited are concentrated along the Eastern Seaboard and Kentucky and surrounding areas (thanks to an Aunt and Uncle in Louisville). I want to branch out and explore other parts of my own country.

A bunch of my other tasks should aid in the completion of this one--62 and 84--and D and I are taking a road trip out to Wisconsin in August, so I should hit a few more in the process.

Illinois 8/14/09
Wisconsin 8/15/09
Minnesota 8/18/09
Michigan 8/22/09

41. Travel to another country

What is it: Technically, I've been to another country (the Bahamas), but I don't count it and here's why: I went to the Bahamas when you could still use your birth certificate, not a passport. Ideally, I'd like to travel to somewhere far away--Europe, Asia, South America--but constraints on money and time are likely to prevent that, at least for now. Mexico or Canada are far more likely.

Haven't started

3. Get a passport

What is it: The only time I've ever been outside of the country were a few family vacations in the Bahamas when I was younger before you needed anything other than a copy of your birth certificate to go to certain other countries. So, I've never gotten a passport because I've never really needed one. Being a citizen of the world *ahem*, naturally I want to have my passport just in case. I figure this task shouldn't be too hard to accomplish--just some red tape and paper work, and it's completion will certainly help with task 41.

Not Started

92. Write 10 pieces of erotica

What is it: Initially the number of pieces I had here was significantly higher, but I realized it was probably unrealistic to expect that kind of output, especially since I'm still getting comfortable writing erotica. We have an annual erotica night at the Writers' Workshop I run, so hopefully I'll have more material this year. Stroke stories are acceptable for fulfilling the goal, but I also want to focus on more 'artful' erotica. Using a feather instead of the whole chicken and all that.


91. Read 10 pieces of "classic" erotica

What is it: I've read a lot of 'stroke stories' over the years, but not a lot of so-called "classic" erotica. I've dipped into a bit of De Sade (and have 120 Days of Sodom sitting on my shelf), but if I want to write it well, I ought to read the best. Of course this begs the question: what constitutes classic Erotica. I've got a couple things in mind, by no means comprehensive. For example: The Delta of Venus by Anais Nin; De Sade; Masoch; Bataille. I'm open to suggestions.


Delta of Venus by Anais Nin

86. Try Shibari rope bondage

What is it: I'm a big fan of bondage--I love feeling bound, restricted, and vulnerable (I like corsets for similar reasons). It feels "safe". Most of the stuff D and I do is informal, enough to get me immobile or restircted, but nothing fancy--function over form. I'd like to try some of the simple, but more artful Shibari bondage, like a breast harness, or something like that.

I recognize that this goal is slightly flawed in that it relies on D either learning something or giving someone else permission to tie me up (I would imagine in such a scenario, he'd be present the entire time). He did, however, go over my list and give me the thumbs up, so there's hope. Plus, there's always self-bondage.

Haven't started.

75. Try a Strippercize class

What is it: I have a friend whose sister tried these classes and loved them--the friend and I were always meaning to go too, but never got around to it and I've always regretted it. Strippercize (or burlesque as aerobics) has always seemed to me to be a great way to get into shape, build confidence and feel sexy. I'm sure D will appreciate my newly learned "skills" as well. (He's already talked about getting a stripper pole for out future apartment)

Haven't started

68. Do some form of public BDSM play

What is it: I'm both an exhibitionist and a humiliation-play enthusiast, so this goal seems to make sense. D is not too keen on the idea of public play in the traditional sense--wailing on me with some type of hitty implement at a public dungeon or a play party and is not interested in "loaning me out" for this purpose either (and I'm not interested in being wailed on by anyone but him, really). I imagine that when we do give this goal a go, it will probably be a large-scale BDSM event, like the Fetish Fair Flea Market, and it will probably involve me being publicly "in role". On his 101 list, he has "use a leash in public" so maybe we'll kill two birds with one stone.

Haven't started.

51. Make D orgasm on my own

What is it: This one's a bit embarrassing to admit to--I've never made D come with either my mouth or my hands without his assistance. He admits that part of this might be on him--he is loathe to give up control and has difficulty orgasming when he's not the one causing it. But he assures me it is possible, and we've gotten close a couple of times. Plus, he's certainly happy to let me practice til my heart's content. It's become a point of pride in my own sexual abilities so I really want to be able to do this. I think if I work him up enough beforehand, he abstains for a few days, and I'm persistent enough, I can pull it off.

Completed! 8/1/09

44. Attend a munch

What is it: Within the BDSM community, a munch is a public gathering of similarly kinky people, usually taking place in a restaurant or bar. Sometimes there's a kinky topic of discussion, but more often than not, it's just a meet and greet for people with comparable sexual tastes. I've been to larger scale BDSM events where I can sink safely into anonymity, but I've never been to a munch even though there are a couple of very active TNG (The Next Generation--for people 18-35) groups in my areas. Getting over my social anxiety, biting the bullet and heading to a munch will be a major step in actually involving myself in the BDSM community, educating myself, and forming contacts that are either similarly kinked or at the very least completely cool with the way I am kinked--basically other people with whom I can be completely open about the real nature of my relationship--people I can talk to this stuff about.

One caveat: D doesn't particularly want me to go to a munch by myself, so hopefully we'll be able to find one that fits into both our schedules, or he'll acquiesce and let me go it alone.

Haven't started.

43. Complete a slave training weekend with D

What is it: My boyfriend D and I are are a D/s couple (he's the D, I'm the s--you can read more about it here), basically what that means is that he wears the pants. But for all that, we're pretty laid back and low protocol. I actually asked D for this a couple months ago--I was really nervous that he wouldn't be interested, and I had been watching a lot of The Training of O (and, needless to say, getting really turned on by it) (Warning: Link NSFW) but he was! and we made plans to have a "Slave Training Weekend" the next time he came down to visit. Rules, rituals, reinforcement of my "place", punishment. Unfortunately, circumstance prevented us from actually going through with it so it got shelved. I'm still interested and think it would give me a different perspective on my submission, so it goes on the list.

Haven't started

11. Go to a strip club

What is it: Fun, yet creepy fact: my mother told me once that my father had taken her to a strip club on a date and that they'd had a grand old time (it was the 70's). This has nothing to do with why I want to go to a strip club, I just thought it was a strange coincidence (especially since I'll probably wind up going with D. He and I have been talking about it for a while). I want to go partially for the experience, partially for the campiness, and partially because I'm a bi-curious voyeur. D has mentioned the possibility of us going to one when we go on our road trip in a couple weeks. (I'm nervous).

Completed! 8/19/09

2. Have a threesome

What is it: Cliche, right? I know, but I feel like this is one of those things I need to do while I'm still young and can get away with it. D is down, so long as it's the "good kind" (meaning two chicks, his words). I consider myself heteroflexible, in that I'm basically straight, but I'd still like to explore sexually with women (bi-curious would probably also be an accurate description). Since I'm in an exclusive, more-or-less monogamous relationship with D a threesome is a way to explore my sexuality in a way that works out for both of us.

I want to get a professional, because I think it would be the least complicated, best choice for a NSA type thing. Adding another person in any capacity throws a whole bunch variables into the mix from compatibility to the bat-shit crazy factor, and I feel like it's rude and objectifying to invite some woman into our relationship only to hump 'em and dump 'em (not that we wouldn't be up front about our intentions from the start). D isn't so keen on paying for it, but we've started talking it through.

Haven't started.

100. Watch 20 of the scariest movies of all time

What is it: I love horror movies. Especially bad horror movies. You could call me a connoisseur. But I am woefully underinformed when it comes to Horror classics. I've seen a few on this list--Carrie, Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist--and heard of a bunch of the others. I want to delve deeper in the genre and experience the fine art of "creepy".


96. Go Geocaching 10 times

What is it: Geocaching is basically the adult-version of hide-and-go-seek. Low impact treasure-hunting for the techno-set. There's really not much practical purpose behind this goal, aside from the fact that this sounded like wicked fun and I'm looking to try new things. I figure 10 attempts, even if unsuccessful, will be enough for me to consider it sufficiently "tried" and decide if I enjoy it or not. D's in too, which is great because he's got the GPS.


83. Watch Casablanca

What is it: It's a travesty. I have never seen this movie. I don't own it and I don't think i know anyone who does, so this task may require a purchase or a netflicks account, but shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. I'll get D to watch with me or do a classic movie night with my friends.

Haven't started

80. Do a Zipline

What is it: This is just a fun sort of recapture-your-inner-child thing. I don't think I ever did one of these when I was little. I'd love to do one into water, but from landing to landing works for me as well. My friend N works at summer camp and got certified this year for ziplines and rope courses, so I think this one is definitely accomplishable before I got to Wisconsin on the 15th.

Haven't started.

79. Go Parasailing

What is it: At this point in my life, I am too much of a pansy to actually go sky-diving, so this is my Action-Adventure-Sara consolation. Which isn't to say I don't actually want to go parasailing, and it's some sort of second-best thing--I do. Hopefully I won't wind up like Homer Simpson.

Haven't Started

77. Visit Some place haunted

What is it: When I was little, I was the kid who checked out the ghost stories every week from the school library--I'm an adrenaline junky through and through and I think my obsession with ghost and the supernatural is just an extension of that. I want to go somewhere "famously" haunted (or at least locally famously haunted). Maybe I'll have an "encounter" that would be awesome, but I'm still a skeptic--any weird thing that happens might just be my own hopes at work. D's got a trip to a haunted lighthouse in the works, too.

Haven't started.

76. Go on a Ghostwalk

What is it: Closely related to goal 77, but they aren't the same and I don't consider that one satisfied by completion of this goal. A ghostwalk is basically a foot tour (I've only seen them in cities) of haunted (or supposedly haunted) places or places where there have been "famous" ghost sitings. I know there are plenty in Boston and one in Fells Point in Baltimore. This would be great for Halloween one year. I should be able to take and post pictures of the completion of this task.

Haven't started.

73. Walk the Freedom Trail

What is it: I've lived in Boston for far to long to not have done this yet. I've walked parts of the Freedom Trail on different occasions--probably most comprehensively when I first visited when I was about 13--but I've never walked the entire thing. D says we can get this done some time this fall. Hooray! I should be able to post pictures once I complete this task.

Completed! 9/5/09

69. Nude model for an Art class

What is it: Another body confidence booster. I don't know that I could ever do porn (lest I have any political ambitions in my future), but I am an exhibitionist to a certain degree. I feel like this would be a tasteful way to show off my body and celebrate my new figure once I get down to my goal weight for this challenge. Hopefully, some nice future artist will let me take pictures of their work and I can post them here when I'm done.

Haven't started

65. Have a Garden

What is it: I've always wanted to have a garden--even if it's just a few herbs or vegetables, or even if it's just a window box somewhere. Obviously, this would best be accomplished when I have a backyard of some sort, but like I said--I'll count flowers in a window box too. I don't consider myself a green thumb, but I also don't kill everything I touch, either. I figure I might need to look into the "how-to's" of gardening to begin with (I really like books, if you couldn't tell) and I'll want to start off with something low maintenance.

Haven't started.

62. Swim in the Pacific Ocean

What is it: Sarafish on the prowl--I love swimming and when I was younger I used to go with my family to Ocean City, MD every summer, so I have a lot of experience in the Atlantic. As a result I'm comfortable in the Ocean and know how to handle myself when things get rough. The Ocean is a "safe" place for me, and I can count on one hand I've ever felt frightened. I've never been to the Pacific Ocean though--I hear it's colder, and maybe rougher (since there's better surfing there). Completion of this goal requires travel (and money), but it will also help rack up the number of new states I visit.

Haven't started

40. See the Aurora Borealis

What is it: The Aurora Borealis, otherwise known as the Northern Lights are another one of those things that, in my opinion, you need to see/do before you die. Depending on where I live, this task might require some travel, but D informs me that 2011 (which falls within my 1001 days) is supposed to be a particularly good year for viewing the lights. I might even be able to see them from New England.

Haven't started

36. Skinny Dip

What is it: Like getting high, I feel like this is one of those things you have to do in order to feel like you've really lived (or at least I do). It's strange that I've made it this far without trying it because I've had plenty of opportunity; I grew up with a couple of friends who had pools in their (semi-isolated to isolated) backyards. But it never happened. The one weekend where all of my friends did go skinny-dipping, I think I was out of town. I have gone topless, though. Time for the full monty.

I'm not certain how I will accomplish this though--I don't know anyone with a pool any more and I'm a little too worried about getting into trouble to try it at a public beach. Maybe a private (or nude) one? Maybe a pool at an apartment complex, if I live there.

Haven't started

35. Get High

What is it: For me, this is one of those things I have to experience at least once in order to feel like I've completely experienced life. I think pot is probably the route to go for this--comparatively safe, easy to obtain, and rapidly becoming decriminalized. As an addict of sensation, I want to see how it feels. From there I can decide if it's a feeling I enjoy and it's something I'd like to continue to do (which I suspect won't be with any frequency, anyway. I'm already too paranoid about being "bad").

Completed! 8/15/09

29. Attempt the New York Times Crossword 101 times

What is it: Stupidly, I originally created this as a weekly goal. Then I realized that not only will there be weeks where I can't get my hands on the New York Times, but there will be weeks where I just don't feel like trying a crossword. I still have to look into whether you can find the crossword online (which would be ideal, because I'd just be wasting the rest of the Times). Anyhow, I think 101 attempts is still an admirable goal, and one that I'll have to put effort into completing

I like crosswords, but I've never tackled the NYT crossword, crossword to end all crosswords, with any consistency. I have fun with them and they help keep me sharp. Maybe I can talk D into doing some of them with me.


28. Go one week without complaining

What is it: I realize that I bitch. A lot. Mostly I think it's with good reason, and just harmless venting, but I recognize it's probably inviting a whole lot of unnecessary negativity into my life. I'm hoping that experimenting with a complain-free week will help me be more positive in general, and also determine the difference between constructive complaining (a quick vent then problem solving) and just wallowing in self-pity. I'm sure D will be appreciative, since he catches the brunt of my venting.

Haven't started.

23. Get a Dog

What is it: I love dogs (fortunately, they love me, too). I grew up with them all my life. I definitely want to get one when I have the appropriate living arrangements and necessary income. D wants one, too, and he and I have already started talking about getting one for us when we move in together after I graduate. Every so often, he'll send me craigslist ads of puppies for free or for sale. I can't wait, but it'll probably be about a year until we make it happen. He wants a rescue, and while I'd love a golden retriever, I'm cool with that too.

Haven't started.

15. Try Out for Jeopardy

What is it: I'm a big giant geek (and also probably a secret 70 year old woman. I haven't started watching the Wheel, yet though). Recently, I've taken to watching Jeopardy in the evenings and playing along. I do pretty well, too, if I do say so myself. I've looked into getting on the show and there's a written test you have to take and then a few other hoops you have to jump through (an in-person test and a couple of 'dry' runs of the show, I think). I would love to be on Jeopardy and become the next Ken Jennings, but I'll settle with just trying out for now.

Complete! 8/25/09

8. Sing Karaoke in Public

What is it: I think I have a pretty decent voice (even if I do say so myself) and I've done Karaoke at friend's birthday parties (usually someone's parent rented a machine), but I've never been to a karaoke bar. I've always wanted to go, but I've never been able to get things together. Some of my friends are amenable, but I don't know of one in Baltimore. Maybe I can talk people into going for my birthday this year at school.

Haven't started.

1. Hike a mountain

What is it: Admittedly, I'm not a big hiker, but not because I don't enjoy it or can't handle the exertion. At school in Boston, I don't really have a lot of opportunities to go walking around the woods. Hiking a mountain, any mountain (so can be small, but it needs a name) is an easy, measurable way to "get into" hiking. D is down for this, and it's likely that I'll take pictures of the view and post them here when I'm done.

Haven't started.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The List: Categorized

If Not Now, When?
1. Hike a mountain <More>
8. Sing Karaoke in Public <More>
15. Try out for Jeopardy <More>
23. Get a dog <More>
28. Go one week without complaining <More>
29. Attempt the New York Times Sunday Crossword 101 times (2/101) <More>
35. Get high <More>
36. Skinny Dip <More>
40. See the Aurora Borealis <More>
62. Swim in the Pacific Ocean <More>
65. Have a Garden <More>
67. Attend a Unitarian Church service <More>
69. Nude model for an Art class <More>
73. Walk the Freedom Trail <More>
76. Go on a ghostwalk <More>
77. Visit some place haunted <More>
79. Go parasailing <More>
80. Do a zipline <More>
83. Watch Casablanca <More>
96. Go Geocaching 10 times (0/10) <More>
100. Watch 20 of the scariest movies of all time from here
(0/20) <More>

2. Have a threesome <More>
11. Go to a strip club <More>
43. Complete a slave training weekend with D <More>
44. Attend a munch <More>
51. Make D orgasm on my own <More>
68. Do some form of public BDSM play. <More>
75. Try a strippercize class <More>
86. Try Shibari rope bondage <More>
91. Read 10 pieces of "classic" erotica (1/10) <More>
92. Write 10 pieces of erotica (1/10)

3. Get a passport <More>
33. Visit 20 new states (4/20) <More>
41. Travel to another country <More>
78. Go on a cruise <More>
84. Visit Yellowstone National Park <More>

Health & Beauty
4. Weigh 130 lbs. <More>
48. Wear no make-up in public on 10 separate occasions (1/10) <More>
49. Run a mile without stopping <More>
74. Try Pilates <More>
75. Try a strippercize class <More>
87. Get a pedicure <More>
94. Splurge on an expensive haircut <More>
95. Track food eaten for one month <More>

6. Write a total of 101 poems and/or short stories (1/101) <More>
9. Complete a nanowrimo <More>
10. Send in 10 secrets to postsecret (0/10) <More>
32. Finish the first draft of a novel <More>
52. Get button-making supplies and make 101 new buttons (0/101) <More>
92. Write 10 pieces of erotica
(1/10) <More>

Independence/Living in the Real World
5. Learn to cook <More>
13. Complete a resume <More>
17. Host a dinner party <More>
27. Get CPR certified <More>
30. Store $1 a day (30/1001) <More>
45. Work a full-time job <More>
55. File my own taxes <More>
56. Pay my own bills for something <More>
58. Move in with D <More>
70. Buy no more than 15 non-necessary books (1/15) <More>
72. Back up all important computer files <More>
93. Get my own credit card <More>

7. Get my palm read <More>
20. Swim in the Charles <More>
21. Spontaneously go to a roadside tourist trap <More>
22. See an Elvis impersonator <More>
37. Pet a penguin <More>
38. Pet a monkey <More>
46. Put poetry in 101 different bathroom stalls (1/101) <More>
53. Learn how to read tarot cards <More>
60. Finish a coloring book <More>
61. Make 10 mix CDs to leave for others to find (0/10) <More>
63. Mastermind a scavenger hunt <More>
71. Beat Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2 <More>
82. Learn to dance a dance (tango, jitterbug, etc) <More>
85. Go half a mile on a hippity-hop <More>
99. Put a message in a bottle and send it

12. Graduate from college with Latin Honors <More>
18. Take the GRE and get a score with which I am satisfied <More>
19. Pass the Praxis <More>
25. Apply to the Yale MA program <More>
26. Figure out what I want to do in grad school <More>
27. Get CPR certified <More>
29. Attempt the New York Times Sunday Crossword 101 times (2/101) <More>
31. Start all school papers before the night before they are due <More>
39. Begin to learn another language <More>
47. Read at least a book a week (17/143) <More>
50. Block off my time during school and stick to it <More>
54. Read the entire Marquez oeuvre in Spanish <More>
59. Catalogue my library <More>
64. Apply for 10 scholarships on Zinch (1/10) <More>
81. Learn to fish <More>
90. Learn to mix drinks <More>
91. Read 10 pieces of "classic" erotica (1/10) <More>
98. Learn to belly dance

Friends & Family
16. Cook a Holiday meal for friends/family <More>
17. Host a dinner party <More>
24. Keep in touch with college friends after graduation <More>
34. Find a way to thank Mary <More>
57. Visit Stranathan <More>
66. Tell D everyday that I love him (119/1001)

Give Back
42. Donate 1 million grains of rice on (30,000/1,000,000) <More>
88. Tutor <More>

Keeping Track
14. Start a blog for this project and include at least one entry per week (13/143) <More>
89. Have a 1001 days completion party <More>
97. Take as many pictures of completed tasks as possible <More>
101. Create a new 101 things list <More>