Sunday, July 19, 2009

The List: Categorized

If Not Now, When?
1. Hike a mountain <More>
8. Sing Karaoke in Public <More>
15. Try out for Jeopardy <More>
23. Get a dog <More>
28. Go one week without complaining <More>
29. Attempt the New York Times Sunday Crossword 101 times (2/101) <More>
35. Get high <More>
36. Skinny Dip <More>
40. See the Aurora Borealis <More>
62. Swim in the Pacific Ocean <More>
65. Have a Garden <More>
67. Attend a Unitarian Church service <More>
69. Nude model for an Art class <More>
73. Walk the Freedom Trail <More>
76. Go on a ghostwalk <More>
77. Visit some place haunted <More>
79. Go parasailing <More>
80. Do a zipline <More>
83. Watch Casablanca <More>
96. Go Geocaching 10 times (0/10) <More>
100. Watch 20 of the scariest movies of all time from here
(0/20) <More>

2. Have a threesome <More>
11. Go to a strip club <More>
43. Complete a slave training weekend with D <More>
44. Attend a munch <More>
51. Make D orgasm on my own <More>
68. Do some form of public BDSM play. <More>
75. Try a strippercize class <More>
86. Try Shibari rope bondage <More>
91. Read 10 pieces of "classic" erotica (1/10) <More>
92. Write 10 pieces of erotica (1/10)

3. Get a passport <More>
33. Visit 20 new states (4/20) <More>
41. Travel to another country <More>
78. Go on a cruise <More>
84. Visit Yellowstone National Park <More>

Health & Beauty
4. Weigh 130 lbs. <More>
48. Wear no make-up in public on 10 separate occasions (1/10) <More>
49. Run a mile without stopping <More>
74. Try Pilates <More>
75. Try a strippercize class <More>
87. Get a pedicure <More>
94. Splurge on an expensive haircut <More>
95. Track food eaten for one month <More>

6. Write a total of 101 poems and/or short stories (1/101) <More>
9. Complete a nanowrimo <More>
10. Send in 10 secrets to postsecret (0/10) <More>
32. Finish the first draft of a novel <More>
52. Get button-making supplies and make 101 new buttons (0/101) <More>
92. Write 10 pieces of erotica
(1/10) <More>

Independence/Living in the Real World
5. Learn to cook <More>
13. Complete a resume <More>
17. Host a dinner party <More>
27. Get CPR certified <More>
30. Store $1 a day (30/1001) <More>
45. Work a full-time job <More>
55. File my own taxes <More>
56. Pay my own bills for something <More>
58. Move in with D <More>
70. Buy no more than 15 non-necessary books (1/15) <More>
72. Back up all important computer files <More>
93. Get my own credit card <More>

7. Get my palm read <More>
20. Swim in the Charles <More>
21. Spontaneously go to a roadside tourist trap <More>
22. See an Elvis impersonator <More>
37. Pet a penguin <More>
38. Pet a monkey <More>
46. Put poetry in 101 different bathroom stalls (1/101) <More>
53. Learn how to read tarot cards <More>
60. Finish a coloring book <More>
61. Make 10 mix CDs to leave for others to find (0/10) <More>
63. Mastermind a scavenger hunt <More>
71. Beat Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2 <More>
82. Learn to dance a dance (tango, jitterbug, etc) <More>
85. Go half a mile on a hippity-hop <More>
99. Put a message in a bottle and send it

12. Graduate from college with Latin Honors <More>
18. Take the GRE and get a score with which I am satisfied <More>
19. Pass the Praxis <More>
25. Apply to the Yale MA program <More>
26. Figure out what I want to do in grad school <More>
27. Get CPR certified <More>
29. Attempt the New York Times Sunday Crossword 101 times (2/101) <More>
31. Start all school papers before the night before they are due <More>
39. Begin to learn another language <More>
47. Read at least a book a week (17/143) <More>
50. Block off my time during school and stick to it <More>
54. Read the entire Marquez oeuvre in Spanish <More>
59. Catalogue my library <More>
64. Apply for 10 scholarships on Zinch (1/10) <More>
81. Learn to fish <More>
90. Learn to mix drinks <More>
91. Read 10 pieces of "classic" erotica (1/10) <More>
98. Learn to belly dance

Friends & Family
16. Cook a Holiday meal for friends/family <More>
17. Host a dinner party <More>
24. Keep in touch with college friends after graduation <More>
34. Find a way to thank Mary <More>
57. Visit Stranathan <More>
66. Tell D everyday that I love him (119/1001)

Give Back
42. Donate 1 million grains of rice on (30,000/1,000,000) <More>
88. Tutor <More>

Keeping Track
14. Start a blog for this project and include at least one entry per week (13/143) <More>
89. Have a 1001 days completion party <More>
97. Take as many pictures of completed tasks as possible <More>
101. Create a new 101 things list <More>

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